Roxane's Reflections RSS
In The Morning
Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, I love this reminder from Psalm 5:3, that starting in the mo...
Dear Precious Friends,
I pray you are waking up to a new day, embracing the gift it is and asking the Lord to ...
Nothing Else
Dear Precious Friends,
On this Fill Our Soul Sunday I pray you can take a few moments to take in this song... ...
Spirit Is Joy
Good Saturday Morning Precious Friends!!!
Nothing like Snoopy to remind us what are we to do with our problems...
Incredible Joy
Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, THIS TGIFFF ( Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday) I pray you are ...
Look Unto Jesus
Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, I pray you are waking up to this new day filled with joy and...
Dear Precious Friends,
On this Wonderful Wednesday I pray you are waking up to a new day encouraged knowing th...
Being Planted
Dear Precious Friends,
On the beautiful crisp morning, I pray you are feeling energized by the cool air and re...
Dear Precious Friends,
On this Fill our Soul Sunday, I pray you are able to spend time filling your soul throu...
The Refiner's Fire
Dear Precious Friends,
I always say we are WIP'S... Works in Progress... This is such a powerful reminder of t...
Dear Precious Friends,
On this TGIFF... Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday, I pray you are feeling the strength of ...
Veterans Day 2021
Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, a day we honor our Veterans, let us all take time out to tha...