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My Dear Precious Friends,
It's wonderful Wednesday because God gave us a new day and has work for us to do. Despite current circumstances... We are to remain in Him. How do we do this? We go to God's word and He speaks to us...
Isaiah 40:31:
"Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength and rise up with wings as Eagles, They will run and not be weary they will walk and not faint."
I have always loved Eagles... our Founding Fathers choose them as the emblem of the nation because their fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.
Eagles have always been my Dads favorite and my son was a Masters Academy Eagle.
When meditating on this verse from Isaiah 40:31 and researching Eagles I found the following inspiration that we must hold on to for such a time as this:
Did you know when it's time for a maturing baby eagle to leave the nest, the mother eagle begins to stir up the nest to make it uncomfortable for the eaglet. She hovers over the young bird, beating her wings, creating the need for the young eagle to escape the nest. She then allows the baby eagle to climb upon her back as she flies out of the nest and suddenly twists away from the eaglet, allowing it to begin a free fall, frantically flapping its wings. She will fly beneath the eaglet and catch it on her back and begin rising again, repeating the release and catch process until the young bird finds its wings and can maintain its altitude. It has learned to fly... and eventually to soar.
David Jeremiah shares that God does the same with us. He willl make life for us uncomfortable in our nest, motivating us to move on to new levels of life and growth in Christ. But we often will resist leaving the comfort and security we know. We don’t want to risk falling and failing. But God will eventually make it impossible for us to remain where we are because He wants to teach us to soar. He may release us to uncomfortable situations until we learn to rest in Him and take on His strength and power.
It is when we are most in need of Him that we are most motivated to learn to wait upon Him and gain His strength: "Lord God, I trust You. I'm waiting upon You. I am believing in You. I'm going to let You guide my life and direct me. I'm turning all that I am over to You. I fully surrender to You . And I will soar on the wings of You, of Your Spirit wherever You want me to go"...
When we can say those words to the Lord, we know we are waiting on Him.
We must find our quiet place and time in our lives to wait upon Him.
Yes away from your phone, computer, distractions, and As soon as we begin drawing apart and waiting on Him, we discover new perception, new protection, new perspective, new provision and new power.
Let us all commit to our time with the Lord... where we can meet with God together in quietness and strength.
We will find ourselves soaring far above the things that would otherwise hold us down. Let's commit our lives to Him first... putting Him first....
knowing as we wait on Him..,we surrender to Him soaring on the wings of His spirit wherever he wants us to go.
Image may contain: text that says 'Love of Faith Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.'
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