Dear Friends,
As we walk through these tough times, there is only one way to renew ourselves and our strength. We turn to the word of God for truth and renewal of strength. It's been over a month since the social distancing issues have been ordered. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?
As we prepare for next steps we must remember where our hope is and who we go to for strength and are renewal.
I was speaking to my high schoolers last night and they were feeling discouraged about senior year being cut short and we had an amazing discussion of where our hope is found and who our hope is in. We discussed how it isn't too late to recapture some of it and to seek the Lord for new ways to make memories with Senior year still in place.
They were excited and we discussed ideas for meeting with the High School officials and had some great ways to make memories despite this circumstance.
They are seeking the Lord.. WAITING ON HIM.. and rising up!!
It's the same with us... and I love Love Love Isaiah 40. My Pastor spoke on this verse recently and reminded me of the great truths that I will share!!!
Verse 31 was my Dad's favorite verse and his favorite of God's creation... was the eagle..Eagles are truly amazing birds. Let's start with verse 23...
It starts with "Do you not know?..... (WOW! This is so great!)
Have you not heard?? The Lord is the everlasting God!!! (He will last forever and ever!!) He is the creator of the ends of the earth!!!
He will not grow tired or weary... We have limitations in our humanness but God has none!!! Because God has no beginning or end He is everlasting... we can't even comprehend this.. God's power, God's strength and God's might is the same at all times! He is everlasting! His understanding no one can fathom!!! No one can understand what God does!!!
Have you noticed the more you learn the more you find out you need to learn?!!! The one who knows everything knows little.
Then the verse goes on to say:
He gives strength to the weary and increases power to the weak!! Even youth grow tired and weary!!!
All birds take off like an airplane.. to build up strength they have to flap their wings for awhile to sustain take off.. Eagles however, can flap their wings, once, twice and rise up above something so fast!!! It's amazing!!
They can pull out of a bad situation so quick.. those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like eagles.. they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint!! As we go into our thankful Thursday lets remember to take the time to be with the Lord and as we give Him our time,He will bless us with great strength to rise above any of these circumstances!!
The only way we can rise above our circumstance is to put our trust in
the Lord. Isaiah 40:23-31 is our roadmap to pull out of this!!
Father we put our hope in you and you alone... renew our strength so we can soar like an eagle. In you everything is secure... thank you that you are everlasting God... you never grow weary, your power is sustainable for all time and all people.. your strength and mind are greater than anything we can understand... I pray for all of us to place our hope in you and you alone.. as we close out this week, help us to take time out to be with you and be in your word to be renewed and soar over our circumstances!
Song of reflection: