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Thank God I'm Forgiven "TGIF"

Dear Precious Friends,
As we go about our TGIF Friday (Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday) I am praying for each of you, our community, our students, teachers, those unemployed with no relief yet..,those affected by Domestic Violence, small businesses, High School & College Seniors, Drs., Nurses, caregivers, elderly and those of us who are high risk. So many in our community are in dire need. Praying for all and please message me if you know of someone in need or if it's you and your family...

I have to tell you how much I'm praising God for the encouragement and inspiration my Pastor at Lake Mary Church has given me. If you can... go to Lake Mary Church Facebook and listen to Pastor Shaddy's Take ten at 10 every day... 10 a.m. I encourage you to do this... It is a lifeline to many and filled with truth spoken by a gifted teacher filled with the Holy Spirit!

Pastor Shaddy has stepped up during this time and is doing daily teaching, daily gatherings in parking light inside our cars and sharing God's word daily to keep us on track. This is our time as Christians to step up and do all we can to reach those who need us!!! He has lit a fire under his congregation to do the same and being filled with God's word each day has really inspired me more than ever and I want this for all.
So we start our day thanking the Lord for a new day. He still has us here so there is work for us to do. His word is our foundation and truth and it can never be moved or shaken. His word is what we build our life on!!! Even in a storm we can be storm proof!!!

The Psalm 34 says I will praise the lord at all times.. this means .. AT ALL TIMES.. praising God in bad times is just as important as in the good time... WHAT??? How? Well we praise God in the bad times and invite him into this time and invite him in the storm (which can really challenge us.. )
God is good... the father of light!

Let all who are helpless take heart!!!

Come, let us tell of the Lords Greatness!!! When we start talking about how great God is.. how able He is... He says come... our help comes from the Lord...The storm can really challenge us!!!
Have you ever felt depressed and felt down? Are you now? It can make us feel bad... It's not about if we feel depressed ... it’s when we embrace it that makes it too hard to handle.
We are human, we have hormones, we have ups and downs! Of course we experience seasons of depression!! So what do we do?

We must speak of the Lord's goodness and His hope which rises in our heart!!! We must speak of His greatness and something happens inside of us at the darkest moments!! Lets keep talking about the goodness of Him.. When we pray to the Lord, He answers us!! Psalm 34 reminds us of this!! He freed me of all my fears!! WHAT!!!

When we pray... even if we don't see answers.. fears disappear and we stand in faith!!! Let's meditate on the goodness and greatness of God!!

“And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” (Revelation 21:5-7)

We all look forward to the future, to a brighter day. For those who are followers of Jesus, we look forward to being with Jesus and seeing the Father face to face. We long for that new Heaven and the new Earth that is described in Revelation 21 & 22.

These verses give hope. They remind us of the one who makes “all things new”. They remind us of the one who is “the beginning and the end”. The one who loved us so much to die for us so that we may have life. That we are able drink from the “spring of the water of life without payment”. And the awesome thing is we get to have a relationship with God forever. That is our hope.

During the time that Revelation was written, there was mass a persecution of Christians going on by the Roman Empire. Believers needed to stand firm in their faith and hold onto their faith in Christ. John reminded them of the hope that comes for those who endure, who overcome. That same promise is given to us today. We have that hope that once sin and death are finally defeated, we get to gather together with all those who love Jesus and get to worship together for eternity. That’s a hope worth remembering as we continue on following after Him in the present.

During such a time as this we need to be reminded of our future as believers and our now with this new season coming out of our difficult time that He is making!!!!
Let's all share the goodness of the Lord and how He's answered and freed us from our fears.

Please share and lets be radiant with joy as He answers our prayers.. He is making all things new as we renew ourselves in Him...

No matter what we are walking through we can have joy...deep inside of us knowing God is with us even in the difficult times..

The joy of the Lord is our strength... our lips continually praise Him!!!


Here is our song for today's devo... it is so awesome to hear God's word in these songs.



Love to all!

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