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Pray For Ukraine

Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, I pray you are waking up to a new day embracing the incredible gift of this new day, knowing the Lord has us here because He still has work for us to do. We pray to be for kingdom minded and our focus to be on Loving Him and loving others the way He loves us.
Our hearts continue to be heavy & broken for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and all that they are enduring. We all unite in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit how we can help. Prayer & physical aid are the most important ways we can help. Sharing resources to support the incredible efforts of Outreach to the people of Ukraine is essential. Here is a quote from Samaritin's Purse in Ukraine. Here is a link to their website and it gives the great opportunity to give to the need. Samaritinspurse.org.
“Ukrainian families are hurting and in desperate need of physical aid and prayer during this difficult time,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse. “We are deploying life-saving medical care to aid people who are suffering. We want to meet the needs of these families in their darkest moments while pointing them to the light and hope of Jesus Christ.”
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🇺🇦 Today, I found myself complaining about the rising cost of fuel and then I remembered I’d never had to run from missiles.
I worried if I needed to stock up on a few staples and then realized I’d never had to send my children to school with their blood type taped on their backs.
I shook my head at the thought of our young men and women headed overseas and then remembered that for the Ukrainians war showed up on their doorsteps.
Then I decided- I won’t sit in my house in suburbia and brood over the downward turn of the stock market while people are literally facing death.
Instead I’m going to pray. I know that God will hear from heaven, He will lean down to listen when I pray. The Bible tells me that. I’m going to pray that whatever evil intends that God would turn it around for His glory. I’m going to pray that good would overcome evil and that it would happen sooner rather than later. I’m going to pray that God would hear the cry of every lost soul facing a war they didn’t want and come to their rescue. I’m praying for the overwhelming, supernatural presence of God Almighty in every corner of the world tonight.
I came here to ask if you’d pray with me. Let’s fill the throne room with our voices as we call out for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. May God hear our prayers and turn this whole thing around.
If He can shut the mouths of hungry lions, split an entire sea in half and raise the dead- He can surely save Ukraine.
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