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I am Grateful

Dear Insiders,
Most of you probably know my word is Grateful. When someone asks how are you? I say Grateful... even when walking through the darkest valleys of life I am grateful. WHY? Because every single day we are given here on this earth is a gift from God and He only has us here because He still has work for us to do... We are absolute miracles... I can't even fathom the unbelievable details of the human body and how God made us in His image and the incredible creation we are....
We are grateful because the victory has been won... No matter what happens on this earth... we will be with Him forever... we will see our loved ones again and what hope we have in the truth of His word that He left for us to get us through the difficult times of life and the daily purpose we are here.

In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (AMP)

Our gratitude is based on the unseen; it is rooted in Christ.

Perhaps this is the kind of gratitude Paul had in mind when he penned those challenging words in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 — “In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”

It’s worth noting Paul doesn’t instruct us to give thanks to God for every circumstance.

Paul’s words remind us that gratitude isn’t anchored in ease; it’s anchored in intimacy. The more we know God, the more reasons we have to thank Him.

Gratitude may not be our first response when our circumstances are challenging or disappointing. But when we focus on who God is rather than on what He is doing, we discover that we can give thanks even from the middle of our mess.

We can thank Him for His wisdom even when we don’t see the reason for His ways.

We can thank Him for His faithfulness even when our faith is faltering.

We can thank Him for His peace even when our doubts are raging.

As we become familiar with the bent of God's heart, we learn to trust the work of His hands, even before His work is finished.

I don’t know where you are right now, dear friend. Maybe you’re sitting in the midst of plummeted plans or picking up the pieces of your shattered confidence. But wherever you find yourself, I’m certain of this: God is with you. And He is for you. And He’s doing more than your eyes can see.

So fix your gaze on God’s faithfulness, and continue to seek His heart. Because if I know our Savior, He’s making something marvelous in the middle of that mess.

Dear Jesus, You are worthy of my praise even when I don’t understand Your ways. Turn my gaze from my frustrations to Your faithfulness. Shift my sights from my hurt to Your hope. And grow in me a heart of thanksgiving as I seek to know You more.

In Jesus Name We Pray,


Psalm 106:1, “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (NIV)


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