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Dear Precious Friends,

I love this reminder. That we are to live our lives in such a way that it causes others to ask the reason for our hope.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15

We must ask ourselves... are we living in such a way that gives others a reason to question us about the "hope that we have." More than ever, the world, our friends and family need our words, our example, our encouragement, and our hope. Our job... Simply be ready—and the Holy Spirit will give us the words. He will pave the way.

Lasting hope can only be found in Jesus. More than ever before we are to be the light in the darkness and share our hope with all we come in contact with... only using words if necessary and yes sometimes it is necessary, but more often than not its how we live our lives that cause others to want to know our reason for the hope we have.

Jesus, lead me to those who need hope, and ones who are searching for you. Thank you for filling my life with your hope and joy. Your good news is too wonderful for me to keep silent. May this day and every day we have count for you.


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