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Battle Plan

As we continue in this challenging time, we have to remember who we are and whose we are to know what we are to do.
When I was in High School and was a cheerleader we would chant Go. Fight. Win.

As Christians and representatives of the Lord, our Battle Plan chant:
Pray. Fight. Trust.

PRAY without Ceasing: Paul is teaching us that that we should pray on all occasions with all kinds of prayer and requests for all the saints. That is also what Jesus said: “Men always ought to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1). Prayer is not an option in the Christian life. It’s a privilege. It’s an adventure. And it is commanded.

FIGHT: Put on the whole armor of God:
We are at war. Whether we like it or not, we are living in a war zone. It’s not like a war in Iraq. This is a war that rages on all around us, every day and every night. Most of it is unseen and unheard, but we are in the midst of it. It is spiritual warfare.
As a result, we are faced with a choice. First, we can keep our head low, and try and keep out of sight, and always run away. But in this war, running and hiding is a surefire way to get seriously injured.
So the only thing we really can do is take a stand, and fight. As a believer, we are soldiers in the army of God, and He wants us to stand and fight for Him. But do not worry, greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Not only that, God has not left us unprotected or ignorant about what we are up against. As we are going to see in Ephesians 6:11, 13, He has done four things to prepare us for battle. First, God has given us all the protection we need. Second, He has given us our battle plan; what He wants us to do, and how he wants us to fight. Third, He has revealed to us the ploys of our enemy, and the tactics that will be used against us. Finally He has told us how long this battle with last, and what kind of day we live in so that we can be alert and on guard. So God has not left us in the dark to fend for ourselves.

TRUST: Ephesians 5:16 tells us that the days are evil. The evil day, the day when Satan is hardest at work is the age we are living in. This is the day of darkness. This is the night. This is the day of sin. The day of temptation. Today, this age, is the evil day.
But God can always take what is evil and use it for good. So although this is the evil day, for us Christians, this is also the day of opportunity. In this dark day of evil, God is looking for people who will be lights for him and heroes in battle. Although the battle has already been won, we are still behind enemy lines, and there are still millions of people who are tied up, and bound and held captive by the enemy.
All you have to do is be a witness, be a light, wherever you already are.
Although we now live in the evil day. And although it now seems like Satan gets his way far too often, and he has free reign, a day is coming, when he will no longer be able to tempt and destroy. The book of Revelation tells us that he will be cast into the lake of fire forever.
Jesus Christ has won it all. We Just stand our ground a few days more, until this evil day is at an end, and the glorious day begins. And this day of glory will never end.

Let's take our positions my friends. We know our job description. Shine the light and share truth. Pray. Fight. Trust. We aren't going down without a battle! In face we aren't going down at all!

Love one another as He has loved us... even if they don't agree.


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