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Hope In the Lord

Dear Precious Friends,
WOW... On this day it is more important than ever to remember the Lord is God and we are not. We must guard our hearts from trusting in people instead of Him. This year’s election process and results have brought on a barrage of emotions in almost every American. Some are relieved, others are concerned. Many are angry and feeding fuel to a fire of division already in need of quenching.
As Christians, we have a different set of standards in how we respond to life events and challenges. We’re called to rise above the rest and stand out as a shining city on a hill. Though it may be tempting to have our say, our greatest aim should always be to please the Lord in all things. Let us continue as Ambassadors for Christ and represent Him in prayer:
Pray for peace and unity among citizens.
Pray for righteousness to rule the policies being promoted.
Pray for the media to shift and be fair and balanced in their reporting.
Pray for the next Great Awakening.
Pray for whatever else the Holy Spirit leads you to pray.
Prayer changes things. More than anything else, our heartfelt, faith-filled prayers can change the course of this nation. And you and I are called to it. So get praying!
We must disarm the spirit of strife!
“It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.” –Proverbs 20:3 (NIV)
No matter how we feel about the election process or outcome, the spirit of strife does not belong in our heart or coming out of your mouth. When people around us or on social media make remarks that upset you think twice about if and how you respond.!!!
A President can't save our soul. Leaders come and go, but the Lord reigns forever. We must put our hope in Him today. He holds the authority to calm any storm. He provides for our needs, He protects us from danger. He holds our life and breath in His hands.
He is perfect and holy, worthy of our praise.
The power of God "raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and ever name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come".
Eph. 1:20-21. Believe in Him, Depend on Him and obey Him in everything.
With this truth being said, we can trust in Him with all our hearts for the outcome of every election and know our job no matter what: Love one another as I have loved you. Leaders come and go. Our political views change. God does not change! Let's represent Him well in these next several days and love others the way He loves us.

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