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Veteran's Day

Dear Precious Friends,
On this day where we pause and thank our incredible men and women who have served to protect our freedom and we remember the incredible sacrifice they made or make daily and their willingness to lay their lives down to keep us free. I have no words but GRATEFUL.
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 ESV
Today we honor all Veterans who have served and we honor those who are serving now! Veterans deserve great honor for their service to our country. We owe them a great debt. They gave of their lives in order to protect our nation, defend our freedom, and preserve our way of life. In a way, those who serve in the military lay down their lives, suspending careers or families or schooling, for the sake of others. Whatever their branch of service, we thank them for their sacrifice for us and our country.
Some made the ultimate sacrifice and showed there is no greater love. Abraham Lincoln called it “the last full measure of devotion.” Their death in service to their country is a sacrifice that should never be forgotten. They died to keep us free.
Veterans Day reminds us of the courage of those who served, the preciousness of lives given for others, and the cost of freedom. Some things are worth the sacrifice of one’s life. Some things can only be won through the laying down of one’s life.
There’s another kind of freedom that required an even greater sacrifice. Freedom from sin could only be won through the laying down of the life of the Son of God. So He went into the service of His Father to sacrifice His life for our sakes. He showed His friends that there truly is no greater love.
The cost of our spiritual freedom was the infinitely valuable life of Jesus. And He gave it away for you.
Through His sacrifice He defeated enemies greater than any foe our veterans ever faced. In His death and resurrection, Christ defeated sin, Satan, and death. He crushed our greatest enemies, delivered us from eternal hell, and triumphed in complete victory. He died to set us free forever.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 ESV
We are thankful today for our veterans who sacrificed to preserve our freedom as Americans.
And we are especially thankful for our Lord Jesus Christ who gave His “full measure of devotion” to grant us the glorious freedom as the children of God.
Please reach out to a veteran today. I know I am. My Father in Law "Pop", My nephew Zac Salamone, James Dyksterhouse and so many who sacrifice and have sacrificed. Let's pause today to remember what they have done.
Love you all so much.
Be blessed today.

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