Dear Precious Friends,
Isn't this a great reminder that all we need to do is acknowledge His name... and He rescues us... How simple yet how often do we do this?
We are in the toughest of times and the Lord has told us what we need to do... Acknowledge Him... He is sovereign over all.... It is no coincidence that this is the 9-1-1 verse in the Bible right!!! God is our refuge we can run to! He is our safe place!
…“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1
Even if we may not see it, or feel it, we might forget He's there at times, or even wonder if He's left us to fend for ourselves in the heat of hard situations of life. But His protection is real. He doesn't, He can't, forget us or ignore us. If we belong to Him, His love is too great to leave us on our own.
The word “dwell” means “to take up permanent residence in.” He reminds us to stay in His presence, for it’s a permanent place of living. His Word says if we do that, we will “rest” in the very "shadow of the Almighty."
A reminder for us, especially in the tough stuff, that we never walk alone. Full heat of troubles bearing down hard, heavy, it’s a struggle at times to keep trudging through it all. Yet God whispers truth, strong and sure, “Walk in my shadow, up close to my side.” It’s in the safe place that brings confidence; for when we are resting is God’s shadow, we will never face the full heat of our difficulties. He shelters from that pain. His shade, His shadow, diminishes what is actually felt in the intensity of all the heat. Rest, peace, and calm rise up strong, right in the struggling mess of life, and we’re assured, He's in control.
We forget that what we need most, God's protection and the comfort of His presence, are freely available to those who love Him and walk under His covering.
This entire chapter of Psalm 91 is filled with the goodness and power of God. Great reminders that He faithfully works on behalf of those who love Him. And at the end of it all, God gives 8 reasons of why we do not have to fear.
He promises:
“Because you love me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue you; I will protect you, for you acknowledge my name. When we call on him, and I will answer ; I will be with you in trouble, I will deliver you and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show you my salvation.” Psalm 91:14-16
Psalm 91's Promises from God
"I will rescue him..." (deliver, cause to escape)
"I will protect him..." (set him on a high place)
"I will answer him..." (respond to, speak)
"I will be with him in trouble..." (in afflictions, in distress)
"I will deliver him..." (rescue, to bring into safety)
"and honor him..." (to make rich, strong, heavy with honor)
"With long life will I satisfy him..." (to have abundance in the journey)
"and show him my salvation." (let him see my deliverance & victory)
There is great blessing as we seek after God, and choose to walk in His ways. In the midst of great darkness in this world, living in it all without His Truth and freedom, would be like wallowing in the pit. Not much hope to be found there. The truth is, this world has been dark for generations, since sin first entered the earth at the hiss of the enemy's lies.
Yet God's reminders are sure, strong, and true, assuring us that in all that we walk through in this journey, His call is always to rise above. He reminds us we're not alone. And though He never says that we won't face hard times, He does say He'll be with us in it, rescuing us, and shining His favor over us.
Don’t ever doubt it. God works on behalf of those who love Him and honor His name. He is so good to us. We may never fully know, this side of heaven, how very much He has sheltered us from in this life.
A Prayer from Psalm 91
"Dear God, Thank you for your presence with us, thank you for your Almighty Shadow. Thank you that you go before us, and cover us from behind. Thank you that you are in our midst, and that our future is secure in the place you're preparing for us.
Your words bring such hope and comfort. Remind us of your strength today, may we see glimpses of your glory and blessing along the way as we seek after you. For victory and salvation are found in you alone.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.
Isn't this a great reminder that all we need to do is acknowledge His name... and He rescues us... How simple yet how often do we do this?
We are in the toughest of times and the Lord has told us what we need to do... Acknowledge Him... He is sovereign over all.... It is no coincidence that this is the 9-1-1 verse in the Bible right!!! God is our refuge we can run to! He is our safe place!
…“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1
Even if we may not see it, or feel it, we might forget He's there at times, or even wonder if He's left us to fend for ourselves in the heat of hard situations of life. But His protection is real. He doesn't, He can't, forget us or ignore us. If we belong to Him, His love is too great to leave us on our own.
The word “dwell” means “to take up permanent residence in.” He reminds us to stay in His presence, for it’s a permanent place of living. His Word says if we do that, we will “rest” in the very "shadow of the Almighty."
A reminder for us, especially in the tough stuff, that we never walk alone. Full heat of troubles bearing down hard, heavy, it’s a struggle at times to keep trudging through it all. Yet God whispers truth, strong and sure, “Walk in my shadow, up close to my side.” It’s in the safe place that brings confidence; for when we are resting is God’s shadow, we will never face the full heat of our difficulties. He shelters from that pain. His shade, His shadow, diminishes what is actually felt in the intensity of all the heat. Rest, peace, and calm rise up strong, right in the struggling mess of life, and we’re assured, He's in control.
We forget that what we need most, God's protection and the comfort of His presence, are freely available to those who love Him and walk under His covering.
This entire chapter of Psalm 91 is filled with the goodness and power of God. Great reminders that He faithfully works on behalf of those who love Him. And at the end of it all, God gives 8 reasons of why we do not have to fear.
He promises:
“Because you love me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue you; I will protect you, for you acknowledge my name. When we call on him, and I will answer ; I will be with you in trouble, I will deliver you and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show you my salvation.” Psalm 91:14-16
Psalm 91's Promises from God
"I will rescue him..." (deliver, cause to escape)
"I will protect him..." (set him on a high place)
"I will answer him..." (respond to, speak)
"I will be with him in trouble..." (in afflictions, in distress)
"I will deliver him..." (rescue, to bring into safety)
"and honor him..." (to make rich, strong, heavy with honor)
"With long life will I satisfy him..." (to have abundance in the journey)
"and show him my salvation." (let him see my deliverance & victory)
There is great blessing as we seek after God, and choose to walk in His ways. In the midst of great darkness in this world, living in it all without His Truth and freedom, would be like wallowing in the pit. Not much hope to be found there. The truth is, this world has been dark for generations, since sin first entered the earth at the hiss of the enemy's lies.
Yet God's reminders are sure, strong, and true, assuring us that in all that we walk through in this journey, His call is always to rise above. He reminds us we're not alone. And though He never says that we won't face hard times, He does say He'll be with us in it, rescuing us, and shining His favor over us.
Don’t ever doubt it. God works on behalf of those who love Him and honor His name. He is so good to us. We may never fully know, this side of heaven, how very much He has sheltered us from in this life.
A Prayer from Psalm 91
"Dear God, Thank you for your presence with us, thank you for your Almighty Shadow. Thank you that you go before us, and cover us from behind. Thank you that you are in our midst, and that our future is secure in the place you're preparing for us.
Your words bring such hope and comfort. Remind us of your strength today, may we see glimpses of your glory and blessing along the way as we seek after you. For victory and salvation are found in you alone.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.