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He Heals

Dear Friends,

As we enter into a new day, it's always amazing to turn to the absolute truth of God's word that fills us with hope. I love the reminder that we receive from
Psalm 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

God is near us as we are heartbroken over the state of our world and what has happened this year. He longs to comfort us and heal our hurting hearts...
No matter the confusion or chaos going on around us, we can trust he will give us the rest our hurting hearts need. When we wonder where do we go from here, what do we do, who do we turn to... we are reminded in the middle of our hurt and heartache God desires to comfort us no matter what we are facing.

In this verse, we’re reminded that even when we feel alone in our brokenness, we’re not alone at all. God is always with those who are hurting, and He sees our broken hearts. Then the verse says He binds up/ bandages their wounds. It takes time for wounds to heal, especially emotional ones, but it also takes the intervention of a Savior who will tenderly nurse our wounds until healing has taken place.

Over these past few years, my heart has been broken in ways I didn’t know it could break. For many months, I just didn't know how to go forward, how to walk through the difficulties life had brought, the grief, sadness and pain.
Although my heart is not completely healed yet, God has been close by my side during the journey to recovery, and I know that without Him, no amount of time could heal the wounds only He can see.

Maybe today you’re wondering if your heart can ever heal from hurts, circumstances or losses... If so, allow yourself to believe God sees you, hears you and loves you. He knows you can’t do it on your own, and He wants you to know He is there to help you begin feeling alive, thriving and beautiful again, too.

Anytime we’re wounded, it takes time to recover and heal. Our bodies heal on their own because that’s the way we were created, but when our hearts are broken, it takes much more than time — it takes Jesus.

Lord, Be near us as we walk through difficult circumstances today. Please heal our broken hearts. Fill us with the peace and joy we know can only come from You during this hard time. You never leave our sides.. We love you and trust you...Walk closely beside us during this journey to healing and recovery that we know is possible through Your power alone. Let us be a light in a dark world and reflect your beauty, your love, your hope.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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