I pray we stand firm and know God is greater than any circumstance we face and cling to His promises now more than ever... His promises are yes and amen and when we hear this we can remember in 2 Cor 1:20 where this truth is spoken. We live in a world where there are many difficulties and a lot of change... But, God’s promises are greater than any of these! Whatever impossibilities we are facing, God and His Word are greater!! Susie Larson writes, "The enemy can turn us upside down when we have a bad week. But that’s when we need to remember that our footing is secure in Christ. We carry a richness in our soul acquired from the miles we’ve traveled through life with Him." I love this!!!
Here are a few promises when facing difficulties we can trust and know are true:
“With man this is impossible. With God, all things are possible!” Matthew 19:26
And, “Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
These are powerfully, crystal-clear statements about God’s power, and faithfulness to carry to completion His will and purpose for our lives!!
Think of His promises that are so very personal for us today:
The Bible is Inspired in 2 Timothy 3:16. It’s not just a ‘Good Book”, nor is it the thoughts of man. It’s entirely, and eternally inspired by God, Himself! Actually, the Bible is God's personal love letter to us, His children.
In Isaiah 40:29-31, God promises to give power to the weak; and strength to the powerless. It says that even the youth and young men will get tired and weary. But, if we wait on Him, and believe His promise, He will bring it to pass.
In Romans 8:37-39, the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul, describes the victory over a long list of adversaries that can plague us. The conclusion? Not only does He give us the Victory over all these things (see list), but, none of those things shall separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus!!
Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 and Philippians 1:6 give the same promise.
WOW... this is great encouragement. Let's claim these promises and remember that God is faithful to perform and complete, by His power, the work that he started in our lives; and individually fulfill every promise builds the forming of Christ’s character within us. He’s a good God, and He loves us for Christ’s sake!
Love you all so much!