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Seek the Lord

Good Tuesday Morning Precious Friends,

It's a new day... a gift... and if it were our last, I pray we live it well for the Lord... Only one life will soon be past... only what's done for Christ will last... this is how we measure our days... as we seek the Lord with all our hearts, souls and minds.

It seems we are surrounded by messages of fear, anxiety and great concern with the Corona Virus, Stock Market, International Oil and Gas issues, Economic concerns that affect everyone and constant bombarding of political differences and concerns.

In life we are always met head on with many challenges that attempt to slow us down and even cripple us from moving forward. It is absolutely necessary that we understand we have only one option if we are going to be able to conqueror the inevitable problems we will face.

We are to be diligent in our commitment in seeking the LORD in worship in order to have the strength to overcome adversity. We are to persistently call on Him with great desire for His presence. When we seek the LORD with relentless persistence, knowing that He is able to give us the ability we need to make it through our struggles with the strength we need. He is our confidence to boldly press forward in spite of the hardships & difficulties.

Be confident in the Lord!!! Our scripture verse today reminds us that
after restoring the presence of God to his people through the Ark of the Covenant, David and Asaph gave these verses as a song to perpetually remind them of the importance of seeking God because ... our strength is found in him ... our grace is from his loving presence ... and our hope is in seeing him face to face and knowing him even as we are known by him. We must look to the Lord and not seek our own way or follow our own path.

Lord Jesus,
You created each one of us uniquely and knit us together in our mother's wombs. Your word reminds us that we are to seek you and your strength first to find the freedom and trust to walk through the hardest of times.. Bless us with the assurance you are with us. We seek you with all our hearts and need you Lord.
May our lives bring you glory as we live out our trust in you no matter what is going on around us.


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