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Magnificent Monday

Dear Precious Friends,
I love this reminder esp. at the beginning of the week.
It's Magnificent Monday and wow God gave us another day... and our response... gratefulness.

Take a moment and think about the people you have in your life. Think about your favorite moments with them. Think about how they have never left your side. Do you remember how you met them? Do you know the reasons for why they are a part of your life? Think about the last time you saw them. Think about the last time you told them how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Who comes to mind?

Life is busy and it gets very easy to forget to appreciate the people you have in your life. Often times we are so caught up in family issues, work, and problems that come up it can be hard to take a moment to thank people for being a part of your life. It is important to take moments to appreciate who you have, because sadly, things happen. So let's take a moment to think about what the person you thought of has done for you.

This person that came to mind probably is there for you whenever you need them. Whether it is three in the afternoon or three in the morning, they are there to answer you and listen. This person also probably knows you better than you know yourself. They can probably name your favorite songs, what you like to eat, and maybe even your daily schedule. They are there for you whether if you are complaining, ranting, or if you just need a shoulder to cry on. They hurt when you hurt, are truly happy when you are happy, and want nothing but the best for you. You are extremely lucky to have this person in your life.

Whether you thought of your friends, family, or significant other, you know how much you love and care about this person and how much they love and care about you. You probably spend hours talking with this person or just being with them, creating memories that will last a lifetime. No matter what it is, never ever forget to appreciate them. Appreciate that you have them in your life now, and be thankful that they are here. Like I said, life happens and we lose people, but I am also not saying to only appreciate them because you could lose them.

Appreciate them because they appreciate you. Appreciate them because of all they do for you. Appreciate them because you are the most blessed person on this planet to even have a chance to know them. This person is in your life for a reason, so take advantage of it. Love what you have before life teaches you to love what you lost.
We have all experienced loss that came out of nowhere, that was unexpected and left us wondering why we didn't spend more time with them...leaving us feeling very sad and disappointed we didn't take time out to see them, or be with them more...
The good news is.. we have today... lets reach out to those God has put on our hearts and live today as if it were our last. We never know... but what we do know is we are here for relationship and God still has work for us to do or we wouldn't be here.

Let's Give ourselves away in love, and then watch God work in our lives. Let's be in the moment at the moment.. Be present... what a gift we give ourselves!

Sending love to you this day!
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