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Peace Be Still

Dear Precious Friends,
I pray as you begin your day you can take a moment and listen to this amazing song. Worship through praise music takes our focus off ourselves and on the Lord and His promises, His word and expresses our heart longing.

This song is truly one of the most beautiful songs I've heard..

This is from Hope Darst sharing the inspiration for this song:

When we sat down to write the song “Peace Be Still,” our lives were filled with circumstances that had us feeling fearful. We were all standing face to face with some scary situations. We knew that fear was present in our personal lives, but we also knew that we could choose to declare the promises of God in the midst of our fears, and His presence would flood us with peace that silences every wave of fear, anxiety or worry. Worship is a weapon to defeat the schemes, lies and voice of the enemy. Worship is a way to stand upon the waves and tell the storm to go to sleep.

I can’t begin tell you how many times, I have personally had to sing the lyrics of “Peace Be Still” over my own life, mind and situations. I have battled fear and anxiety to a great deal in different seasons. At times, I have failed to anchor myself in the word of God through scripture or song and the waves of anxiety and fear have overtaken me. The aftermath of those storms have sometimes left damage that took more time and energy to restore than God ever intended. However, when I chose to grab on to the lifeline of God’s word, declaring His promises over my life, the storm was silenced, either in me or in the natural.

As we started this new decade, all over the world, we are facing a health pandemic that hasn’t been seen in over 100 years. People feel confused, scared, uncertain and worried about the future. It feels like a storm of fear and anxiety has hit us pretty hard. Right now, we can choose to get swept up in the waves of fear and worry, doubting that God is for us or we can choose to remain anchored in the presence of God and allow His peace to wash over us and calm the storm inside our hearts and minds. We don’t know what the future holds. We don’t know how this current world situation will play out in the following weeks and months. What we do know is that our God is our shield, our fortress, our deliverer, our provider, our healer and our strong tower.

Psalm 91:1-4 (God’s Word Translation)
Whoever lives under the shelter of the Most High will remain in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “You are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.” He is the one who will rescue you from the hunter’s traps and from deadly plagues. He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. His truth (word) is your shield and armor.

Worship builds a reservoir of God’s truth to draw from when we face difficult moments. I know that every time I choose to worship, it builds my faith in God. It reminds me once again, that my God is greater than any storm and He speaks PEACE OVER ME!

My prayer is that during these times of fear and uncertainty you will find refuge in the Almighty, declare His promises, sing His praises and know His Peace that passes all understanding!
Mark 4:35-41 and reminds us of the truth of God’s word and the power and authority we have through Jesus. Let God’s promises move us from fear to faith.

– Hope Darst

Now that my friends is reason for a big AMEN!!!

Please join me in worshipping our Lord and lets have a big AMEN!!!

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