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Our Country Needs Prayer

Dear Friends,
I'm sharing a few things from Franklin Grahams post yesterday and reminding each of us to come together in prayer. Prayer changes everything...
Our country needs prayer, our world needs prayer and we have a Savior who can heal this divide.
Love sees no color. I can't fathom this evil.
Let's all be in prayer that our nation will heal and come together... Sunday is Pentecost...
Asking us all to be in deep prayer...

We are gathered here today as the church. We are the Body of Christ. We are the “called out” community. In the midst of our current environment as it relates to race and class in America, is there a word from the Lord to us, the church? What is the Spirit saying to the Church? And once we discern the Spirit’s movement, will we as the church have the same boldness and courage as did Peter and the Apostles on the day of Pentecost to proclaim that word to a nation that is bruised and wounded in spirit? And if that is to happen, we, the church, must be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and so full of Christ that all we see is our oneness in Christ and not the dividing walls of race, and class and creed.

The history of mankind is filled with the hostility of one person against another. In Ephesians 2:14, Paul deals with the hostility between Jews and Gentiles. Paul was expressing a problem in the church. And even today the issue of race is still a problem. However, note this. Paul did not just raise the issue of hostility between Jews and Gentiles he offered a solution to the problem. He wrote, “For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.” Paul makes the bold statement that Jesus came into the world to tear down the walls of hostility.”

Let us then, the church, be that model of an institution that has torn down the dividing walls. How do we do it? By having Christ in us and manifesting the Christ who lives in us. You see, one can’t get close to God and still be distant from others who also want to be close to God. The closer we are to God, the closer we become to other races. It is only God who can break down the dividing wall of hostility. When we come close to God we become like God, and God is love. Amen.

Franklin Graham shares this in his post yesterday:

Derek Chauvin—the now fired police officer who held his knee on the neck of George Floyd until the man was dead—was arrested in Minneapolis. I can’t for the life of me understand what took city and state officials this long to make the arrest. Tonight, Minneapolis is under a curfew and riots are occurring again in several cities across our nation. Looting and burning and destroying are making these communities look like war zones, multiplying the hurt and the hate. These criminal actions just worsen the tragedy and deepen the scars. George’s loved ones and friends have said he was a gentle giant and that he would’ve been devastated to see the rioting.

I ask Christians across the country to pray—for calm, for peace, and for an end to the violence. This honors no one and may cost many more lives. I ask every church to contact your members and ask them to pray. Our nation is in trouble. The only One who can heal the racial divide is Jesus Christ who has the power to transform the human heart.

My precious friends, our hearts are broken, our Savior is the only one who can heal us...

Let us come together united in prayer for the one who gave all to take away the dividing walls.

God answers every prayer, He sees every tear, He knows every hair on all of our heads no matter our race... we are made in HIS IMAGE.... ALL OF US!!!

Let us all unite in prayer and live with love in our hearts and stop the violence and looting.

Sending deep love to all of you and praying we can all step up and respond as Jesus would for such a time as this.

Thank you father for never letting go of us. Beautiful song of reflection from David Crowder you never let go


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