Dear Precious Friends, On this Magnificent Monday I love this reminder that we may not understand at the time, however, EVERY TIME when we look back and see how God answers our prayers we see His faithfulness even when the outcome is not what we wanted. Imagine the disciples and their disappointment when Jesus was killed and then 3 days later rose again.... Those 3 days were the worst 3 days of their lives... They couldn't see what was happening. Then in Acts we see the power they received from the Holy Spirit which is the same power we have today!!! They were fearless and willing in the name of Jesus to pray for the needs of those around them and do something about it. They weren't worried about their needs, they were focused on sharing Jesus with every person... They were so assured of their salvation, they prayed, they did not fear and had a boldness that drew people in.... Hundreds were added to the church daily... they believed with the power of the Holy Spirit for healing, delivering others of their sins and did not pray in their own words, they knew to pray the word of God!!! The power of God backed them up in every way! They focused on the need right in front of them and not on their own specific needs knowing God had already supplied all they needed according to His glorious riches!! We are stewards of faith for this generation.. What an honor and responsibility!! We are so lucky to live in the United States where we have freedom to share Jesus with others. Many countries persecute Christians for their belief... Let's go out and focus on our mission... We are ambassadors for Jesus... We've been called by God to be the hope of our community! Let's boldy go out and speak truth to those who won't love us back. In America we have an amazing freedom! Thursday in National Day of Prayer... let's all gather together around the flag and pray God's word over our nation...This is a call to action to pray God's word over our country and be bold representing Him in our work place, our community and everywhere we go!!! Share with others. We have a race to run my friends.. Let's do this!! Amen