Dear Precious Friends,
On this TGIFF(Thank God I’m Forgiven Friday) I am thanking for another beautiful day, a gift from God...
and the reason I’m delayed is because Rick and I came to North Carolina to see Pop, (Ricks Dad ) and every time I’ve set out to write today’s devo, people keep talking to me 
so I’ve found a place to write now ....

We are living in a world that is filled with great uncertainty. Every day we hear so many things in the news that could lead us to have fear. Also, many of us get news of difficult health challenges whether it’s cancer, disease or surgery ourselves, or with those we love.
Fear is hard to conquer. It puts us on high alert and all of our focus tends to be on the object of our fear. Where our stomach flutters, our blood pressure rises, we feel the panic. Even when the panic stops at times we can obsess. It takes us prisoner.
What can we do? How do we find relief?
That is what is so great about Gods word, His absolute truth... The Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth). We have Gods word to give us wisdom and truth.
We find our answers! God's love. Not just any love. It is God's perfect love. When we switch our focus from fear to His love for you, fear will lose it/ power. Why? Because His love for us is relentless, unquenchable, unstoppable, never failing, never ending and immeasurable. It is tender, full of mercy and kindness. It is forgiving and understanding. It is unconditional. He is the one who we run to and our fears dissipate. When the Lord is given His rightful place in our lives, we have Christ's unshakable promise to be with us through all circumstances of life, so we must not fear. We are not to fear the things in life, nor any threat of death, nor what happens after death, for our confidence is in the Lord. He is our Defense and our Defender. He is the Lover of our soul, and He loves us with an everlasting love. So Today when fears comes, remember The Word of God exhorts us not to fear, and reminds us again in this passage of scripture, "There is no fear in love. But the perfect love of God cast out fear......"
There are 365 mentions of Fear Not in the Bible.... one for each day.
He knew FEAR ( False Evidence Appearing Real) would be an issue for us.
He reminds us:
I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
1 Timothy
So I pray that we let these sweet words of truth settle in our hearts as we allow God to surround us in His perfect love, where fear has no place to stay and has to be driven out. As you rest in His love, I pray that you would experience the peace the passes all understanding in whatever situation of life you are in because perfect love, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ casts out ALL fear as we walk By FAITH ( Forsaking All I Trust Him).
Now can I please have an Amen!