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Dear Precious Friends,
When I hear others say "God spoke to me" and told me to....

I admit it seems questionable. Yet, we all have the ability to hear from Him.
Jeremiah 33:3 says Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know..

WOW.. I am humbled beyond belief to know that because we are human, we don't see or know what He does. We don't see the intricate crafting of our story the way He does. He continues to use His hand to spin us on the wheel like clay in the Potter's hands. If we take the time in His word, spend time with Him, we can hear from Him!

We are in a time of unrest and challenge. What is our response as Christians? We have security in God's word... Time spent with Him takes over all fear and anxiety.

The hard part is the reframing of our minds which only comes from being transformed by the renewing of our minds in scripture.

COVID-19 is a real and very serious situation. I posted the Lockdown acronym because it spells out our response as Christians to what God is calling us to do. How can we walk through this situation and shine bright in the midst of darkness? How can we be the light? We are made to shine...

First it starts with our relationship with the Lord..

Speaking and hearing are two communication means. To speak is to say words. To hear is to listen or receive that which is spoken by the mouth.

God speaks to us so what are ways we hear from HIm. When we walk closely with Him the peace that transcends through us is indescribable. The joy that flows out of us is evidence of the Holy Spirit. Our only hope no matter what we face in our personal lives, is to be awakened to the knowledge and truth of the goodness of God in all circumstances.

His word is filled with truth that fills our soul! In the beginning was the word.. and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. WOW WOW WOW!! This is how we hear from Him.. Turn away all distractions.. listen to this song as it really helps set your mind on things above... and stay focused!


I pray we can all take time to listen to this song, then open His word that transforms and renews us,

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

WOW WOW WOW!!! Lets all purpose to be in His word. Lets share scriptures of encouragement!!!
I'm sharing this from
1 Samuel 3 on how to hear from God... who has many answers for us:

Hearing the Lord’s Voice
In 1 Samuel 3, Samuel is called to serve the Lord. At this time in history, hearing from the Lord was a rarity, and he was giving no visible signs of his presence (v. 1). This time in Israel’s history is one of despondency, hopelessness, and despair. God is not speaking. God is silent. God’s voice is quieted because of Israel’s sin.

But, something different is observed in 1 Samuel 3. God rushes in with his tender-grace to speak.

Such tenderness of his grace comes one evening while Samuel is sleeping—and God speaks. Samuel is awakened by the voice of the Lord. He thinks Eli is calling him. Three times in the narrative, Samuel appears before Eli saying, “Here I am!” because he mistakes God’s voice for his teacher’s voice (vv. 4, 6, 8).

It takes three times before Eli realizes the Lord is speaking. Then, Eli teaches Samuel to listen to the Lord (v. 8). He “perceives” the Lord is calling young Samuel, and he provides a valuable lesson on the way each of us should respond. Eli says to Samuel, “Go, lie down, and if he calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant hears'” (v. 9).

Samuel’s response should be ours: “Speak, for you servant hears.” And so, God continues his visitation and communication with Samuel. He reveals to Samuel his future work in the nation and also how God’s mighty discipline will end Eli’s life. These are sobering words for an available servant to hear, but Samuel continues to be obedient to the Lord’s voice (v. 19).

Charles Spurgeon once said, “God seems to talk to me in every primrose and daisy and smile at me from every star, and whisper to me in every breath of morning air, and call aloud to me in every storm.” Nature profoundly speaks of God and draws our hearts to the amazing truths revealed through the gospel.

Have you noticed the birds singing louder than ever before or the incredible cardinals that are suddenly seeming to be all around? Or is it that we are slowing down enough to see the splendor of God's creation and nature?


Please share how you are listening to God's voice and reflecting.. how you are letting go and letting God, how you are changed through COVID-19. We grow together by sharing.



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