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Live For Heavenly Applause

Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, I pray we are alive in Christ knowing the great plan He has for our day and our life. God has us here for such a time as this. Do we live a life that matters? Are we leading people to Christ by our words and actions? How we live our lives matters. I needed to be reminded of this so I am sharing what I need to hear.
We are to live out what we preach in every word, deed, and interaction we have. Our lives must match up with the name Christian. We cannot claim to know God and then live in a way that denies him, otherwise we are becoming a faulty witness of who God is.
“They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their works.” Titus 1:16 HCSB
The choices we make
The way we treat people
The way we serve, or don’t serve
The words we use
The people we chose to love
The people we secretly don't care for
We can continue to list things, actions, intentions, but ultimately the point I am making is this; the way we live matters because we are ambassadors of Christ. He has us here because we have work to do.
Rick and I were at Crane's Roost Thursday night at 8:30 walking around the beautiful lake and we ran into the most precious man named Andrew who was around 80 years old and walking around handing people info on knowing Jesus and sharing the gospel. (See his picture posted). He walked with a cane, was non threatening and so very kind. It was very inspiring and amazing. He was so alive in His purpose and knew God had him here because he still had work for him to do. He came alive as he approached different people and they were very appreciative of him. Rick and I stopped and spoke to him and he was such a blessing. It was clear he was following a mission that made him come alive. It made me think about how fast life is passing us by and how important it is that we take time to remember why we are here and focus on this. We often live so much for the future, we forget to live with the love, joy, and thanks for what is here before us the moment. Live each moment with God’s love and sharing His love! It makes life rich!
May we holdfast to that which strengthens our soul. May we create time and space for Jesus: time in His Word, time to pray and reflect; time with our people; and even time for vigorous exercise because it reminds us that we're alive in Him. May we refuse to procrastinate on the important things. May we be motivated to turn away from things that aren't of eternal significance and wast time. May we engage in the life-giving work and nourishment that Jesus has provided for us. The calling God has put on our lives is of great importance. Our lives matter. And WE matter because we are image bearers of the Most High God.
1 Corinthians 9:25 NIV ~ Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
Source: God's word, Holy Spirit, Susie Larson devo.
May be an image of 6 people, road and text that says 'LIVE FOR THE APPLAUSE OF HEAVEN.'
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