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Joy Still Comes

Dear Precious Friends,
Happy TGIF FRIDAY!! Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday!!

During such a time as this we absolutely need to be reminded that yes Joy still comes in the morning. Hope still walks with the hurting. We are still alive and breathing so praise the Lord! Don't stop dancing and dreaming. There's still Good news worth repeating.. Lets lift our heads and keep singing PRAISE THE LORD.

I experienced a miracle this week with a very tough situation with the person I love most in this life. Faith means we continue to walk forward even when we don't feel like it because we know Gods word. Faith is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. I experienced first hand in very tough circumstances the faithfulness of our Lord. Praise the Lord yet I still praise Him no matter what...

In just one day I spoke to several who are walking through the most trying of times and are really feeling down. Let's all make it a point to reach out to 3 people today the Holy Spirit puts on our hearts. We are still here for a reason...
Stay off the internet, turn off the "news". Open your Bible. Turn on some Christian music. Read a Bible plan. Stay away from the fear and panic that is captivating people and let's turn our attention and trust to Jesus.

Download the You Version Bible app, it's free and there are daily devotions and subjects that focus on whatever we are walking through. Our Bible's are the best gift we have ever been given... Let's read them and saturate our hearts with absolute truth so we can face each day with truth, what we need and esp. armor up for what the day brings as the armor of God in Ephesians 6 reminds us. In the beginning was the word... and the word became flesh and dwelt among us...

Have a blessed day knowing we are all still here because God has work for us to do and let's make the most of our time. I pray protection over all of you and your family and that you walk in God's grace, love and mercy today and every day.


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