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His Ways

Dear Precious Friends,
On this TGIFF (Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday) I'm sharing my favorite scripture.
What does it mean to Trust in the Lord with ALL OUR HEARTS? When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, the Spirit of God came to live in us!!!. He dwells in our heart and we can hear His voice.
The best way to hear from God is knowing what the Bible says. God’s Word gives us wisdom, and as we study it, our mind is renewed (Romans 12:2), so we no longer just think the way the world thinks – we can think the way God thinks!
This is how we learn to trust in him with all our hearts...
The future feels uncertain right now, and worry tends to occupy our hearts... God is already in all of our tomorrows. He knows our way, and He has a plan. And we can be assured it's always the best one for us.
God never asks us to figure it all out on our own. He just asks us to trust Him, to recognize His leadership and Sovereignty in our lives. And He promises to make our pathways straight.
As we spend time reading and meditating on Scripture, we develop a strong spirit. Then we can hear God speaking to our heart and make decisions based upon what He’s leading us to do, not just what we think, feel or want.
We may not always see what's ahead, but He does.
There’s great power in trusting Him. When we do, our security is based solely on Him, not on our circumstances, or other people, not on ourselves, or our own ways of thinking.
He is faithful to lead us and He sees the big picture. He brings clarity and light through foggy times. He knows what’s around the other side of the bend where we can’t fully see. His timing is perfect even when we start to feel like we’ve been forgotten. No matter how we feel or what our current situation may be, we can be confident that God’s Presence will go before us, paving out pathways, guiding and guarding our steps.
Let's Trust God and let go of worry.
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