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God's Grace

Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, I pray we are all waking up with joy in our hearts as we embrace this day and all that God has for us. The love God has for us through sending Jesus and the price He paid for our sins, well let me just say I have no words. The grace He gives us is so undeserved yet that love when we receive it changes us for eternity. When others ask me how are you? I always say grateful. And I what I mean is I'm grateful that I know Jesus, and for what He did on the cross which is unfathomable to have that much love for us sinners. I'm grateful for another day to share this love. I'm grateful for every gift He has given despite circumstances. I am grateful for His word that gives us our absolute truth for any and all circumstances.
BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
When I focus on what Mary knew in Luke 10:42, I become so inspired to be at the feet of Jesus every day in His presence.
The point of the Mary and Martha scripture is to help us focus all our energies and efforts on what is the primary matter of life: Jesus and listening to him. Of course, if we really listen, we will truly learn, and having truly learned we will be transformed to live lives of discipleship and service as a result. But it all starts with this “one thing”: Jesus and his Word. "There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42
This is my prayer for myself and for everyone reading is that our Focus is always found at the feet of Jesus. As we read in this passage Mary lived out this truth. In fact, Mary, more than any other person in the New Testament is associated with sitting at the feet of Jesus. What does it mean to “sit at the feet of Jesus?” First, we must stop. Now that is wonderful idea for many of us, isn’t it? Mary stopped what she was doing - helping Martha in the kitchen - and came to sit at the feet of Jesus. Of course, Martha immediately began complaining that she had been left to do all the work while her sister wasted time sitting at Jesus’ feet.
Mary made a choice, and so must we. God wants relationship building time with us every day. Like Martha, we forget the most important thing - time at the feet of Jesus. Many times I squander away the best part of my day starting with good intentions but then leaving God with the leftover scraps of time, and then I am not walking His power and purpose. Let me encourage us all you to take inventory of the demands on our time, and begin investing the best part of our day sitting at Jesus' feet. May we Ask the Lord to give us the strength to stop and rest in Him. May we commit to spend time being wrapped up in His presence, and this happens when we learn to sit at His feet.
Source: Holy Spirit, God's word, Daily Devo.
May be an image of text that says 'Luke 10:42 "There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her."'
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