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God Sees Us

Dear Precious Friends,

On this Saturday and this season of uncertainty, lets
focus on what we do know.
I love this reminder... And then God stepped in.....

"The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry for help ... The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:15-18 (HCSB)

David makes it clear that the saints of God are not exempt from trouble and trials; however, when the righteous turn to the LORD in the midst of their sorrows and afflictions, He hears their cry and delivers them out of their trials and afflictions.

Troubles are often the haunt of the children of God; however, God is never insensitive to our cries, nor incapable of coming in our hour of need. Sometimes His answer to our prayer is to wait and trust Him; however, we have His assurance He is with us and will take us through the troubles.

God sees us, He hears our cries for help, even when no one else does. He knows our heartache. He sees our pain. When our heart is broken and we feel crushed from all sides, God promises to be close to us. Though we may not see Him with your physical eyes, He is there.

We have all had a tough year and the stress of this tough season
has taken its toll, causing us to feel afraid, lonely or ready to give up... If your heart is broken, Let God rescue, He is ready. He is willing. He is able.

Think of all the times He has stepped in...
But God...
He can do so much more than we think or imagine...
He is our hope, He is our rescuer and ready and willing to step in.

Dear Lord, it feels like my life is falling part. I desperately need You to rescue me. Thank You for hearing my cries and for delivering me from my troubles. Even when I am hidden from others, You see me, Lord. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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