Dear Precious Friends,
It's fill our soul Sunday and I pray on this beautiful new day He is our top priority and our great focus. Let's take time to fill our souls.
If you are in this group, our #1 priority is your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Through Him we are difference makers, world changers and seeking God with ALL our hearts, souls and minds.
I am in awe of this scripture ., David asked, “Where can I go from Your Spirit?” (Psalm 139:7). The more he pondered the possibilities, the more he realized the answer is “nowhere.” God is present everywhere and at all times. WOW WOW WOW... In His presence is fullness of joy....
As His children, His continual presence is a great comfort. We never have to walk through trials and heartaches alone, and we have complete confidence that He’s always providing, protecting, and guiding us through life.
This truth changes how we live. Knowing that God is ever-present motivates us to think, speak, and behave in ways that glorify Him. It’s a reminder to stand firm against temptations and pursue holiness.
There’s never a single moment in which the Lord is not looking out for our best interests. Nothing slips past Him into your life by accident, nor does the enemy have even a single opportunity to destroy us. This is the security we receive as believers, so let’s rejoice in knowing God is always with us. But for those of us who belong to God through faith in His Son, His continual presence is a great comfort. We never have to walk through trials and heartaches alone, and we have complete confidence that He’s always providing, protecting, and guiding us through life.
I have seen this over and over again in my deepest moments of great loss, grief, Rick's cancer diagnosis and life changing outcomes.
This truth changes how we live. Knowing that God is ever-present motivates us to think, speak, and behave in ways that glorify Him. It’s a reminder to stand firm against temptations and pursue holiness.
Psalm 139:7 says, “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?” His presence is always available. He’s not a friend who turns away from us or hides his heart. He’s not a small gust of wind that comes and goes as he pleases. He’s a God who would suffer and die that he might tear the veil and make his presence fully, continuously available to all those who would seek him. He’s a God who’s working tirelessly to restore his crown of creation to himself that we might walk with him like in the Garden of Eden, but this time for all of eternity with no possibility of a fall or barrier between us.
Our ability to meet with God is as simple as turning our attention toward him and allowing our hearts to be fully aware of Him.... May we meet with our heavenly Father in profoundly simple ways today as we embrace this new day.
Pictured below is a moment I took to celebrate my Mom's life on the day she went to heaven. Turning a day of sorrow over missing her so deeply... those who love much grieve much.. its the price we pay.. and its ok to grieve... and then turning this hurt into joy knowing she is with the Lord and honoring her life.
Love you all.
Have a blessed day no matter what you are going through.. I pray you feel God's presence as you embrace Him and His creation, His gifts of relationship and mostly the gift of Jesus filling our hearts making us aware of His presence.