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God, Change Me

Dear Precious Friends,
As we begin this beautiful new day and the start of a new week this is the question we lay before our Lord... How can I become more like you? Let them see you in me... James 1:5 reminds us to be slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to get angry...
With all the political issues, covid and things ramping up again... lets check our own spirits and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to lead our speech, our conduct and lets all be on our knees praying.
It starts with us... lets be the first to set the example. I admit I easily get angered when I see other posts that are so hateful towards our President and all that is going on. I have to ask God to calm me down and take over.
Psalm 1 gives such encouragement to live a life for Christ. It encourages me to be in His Word "day and night" (vs 2). To me that means not just when we feel like it but rather it means making time to be studying. I love the word picture the Psalmist gives in verse three of a tree by the water. I think of how Jesus is a River of Life and when we are grounded in Him we will flourish. What a blessing! It also is a blessing to think about when we live a life for Him we will be blessed with living with Him for eternity.

Life on this earth gets tough but we can't allow circumstances to pull us away from the Lord. Instead we need to press into Him. We can't allow the things of this world to shake our faith. Instead we need to dig in deeper to Him. We can't allow challenges to pull us down but we must allow Him to be glorified through our circumstances.

Dear Jesus,
You are so awesome in the way You remind us of things through Your Word. I praise You Father for these words this morning. Lord, how we live on this earth will determine where we will live for eternity. Oh how I pray for more people to come into relationship with You. Father, fill me to overflowing so people will see You in me. I am reminded of the words of Colton Dixon's song this morning and am praying them earnestly...
Let them see you, in me
let them hear you, when I speak
let them feel you, when I sing
let them see you,
just let them see you, in me
Yes, Lord, yes! I want people to see You in me. I pray for my dear friends with calling hours today. Love on them...give them Your strength...use their friends and family to get them through these tough days. Lord, I pray for my physical limitations to not take away from how You desire to use my words. Thank You Jesus for being My Sustainer. Amen.

Listen to this song my friends... Let it be our motto for such a time as this!!!

Please promise you'll listen and when you do let me know below how you will apply!!!
Love you,


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