Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day this gift from God I pray you are waking up thanking God for the wonderful country we live in. Today is Flag Day.
As Christians we have to come together and fight for God‘s word and what our Founding Fathers founded our country on. It is fitting that we celebrate Flag Day and Father’s Day in the same week. While many people who are focused on another flag during “Pride month,” patriots still celebrate our nation’s flag, a true symbol of freedom. The Founding Fathers staked their lives on our nation, prepared to sacrifice everything for our country. They knew, as patriots today recognize, that our rights do not come from government but from God. Our fathers, husbands, and sons are prepared to defend our flag because it represents true liberty, which, as General Flynn noted, begins with individual liberty.
On this beautiful new day this gift from God I pray you are waking up thanking God for the wonderful country we live in. Today is Flag Day.
As Christians we have to come together and fight for God‘s word and what our Founding Fathers founded our country on. It is fitting that we celebrate Flag Day and Father’s Day in the same week. While many people who are focused on another flag during “Pride month,” patriots still celebrate our nation’s flag, a true symbol of freedom. The Founding Fathers staked their lives on our nation, prepared to sacrifice everything for our country. They knew, as patriots today recognize, that our rights do not come from government but from God. Our fathers, husbands, and sons are prepared to defend our flag because it represents true liberty, which, as General Flynn noted, begins with individual liberty.
As every Gold Star family knows, freedom is never free. We need courageous and patriotic fathers who raise strong men. The nation given to us by God through the work of the Founding Fathers requires nothing less.
When we see the flag flying during summer holidays, let us remember the men & women who sacrificed for our freedoms. Let us celebrate the men & women who are prepared to do the same in our age. We publicly recognize their heroic virtues for our freedom and when we see the flag we must remember the price that was paid. We know that our very liberty depends on good men & women, and we want to ensure that they are recognized with gratitude.
It seems like we’re living more and more an opposite world every single day when we call evil good and good evil.
It seems like we’re living more and more an opposite world every single day when we call evil good and good evil.
Lord, on this #flagday
we pray that hearts that are far from You would turn from their wicked ways and turn to You. Your word says that You will heal our land.
When President Ronald Reagan was sworn in, he had his right hand up, and his left hand on the Bible. The verse his left hand pointed to was 2 Chronicles 7:14. During his Presidency we had the strongest economy, strongest military, the Berlin Wall came down, there was unity and he represented a Godly President who followed God's word and His ways. Under his leadership we had 8 amazing years. Overall, the Reagan years saw a restoration of prosperity, and the goal of peace through strength seemed to be within grasp. During his Presidency there was great economic growth, he curbed inflation, increased employment, and strengthened national defense. He embarked upon a course of cutting taxes and Government expenditures, refusing to deviate from it when the strengthening of defense forces led to a large deficit. There was strength through peace. He was a Godly man and made his decisions in a godly way. No wonder we were such a blessed nation during his years in office.
We have to remember when we vote as Christians, we have to vote for who represents God's word the most.

When President Ronald Reagan was sworn in, he had his right hand up, and his left hand on the Bible. The verse his left hand pointed to was 2 Chronicles 7:14. During his Presidency we had the strongest economy, strongest military, the Berlin Wall came down, there was unity and he represented a Godly President who followed God's word and His ways. Under his leadership we had 8 amazing years. Overall, the Reagan years saw a restoration of prosperity, and the goal of peace through strength seemed to be within grasp. During his Presidency there was great economic growth, he curbed inflation, increased employment, and strengthened national defense. He embarked upon a course of cutting taxes and Government expenditures, refusing to deviate from it when the strengthening of defense forces led to a large deficit. There was strength through peace. He was a Godly man and made his decisions in a godly way. No wonder we were such a blessed nation during his years in office.
We have to remember when we vote as Christians, we have to vote for who represents God's word the most.
… Lord humble us, cause us to pray and seek Your face, and repent. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Lord, that we can be one nation, under God, with liberty, and justice for all.
2 Chronicles 7:14
“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”