Dear Precious friends,
On this glorious new day, this gift from God and amazing opportunity to share Him with all we come in contact with, I pray this incredible woman of God, Sydney McLaughlin will inspire us all to live our lives using the gifts He has given us for His glory and counting nothing as precious as our relationship with Him.
We put value in certain things – our home, our family, our relationships, our job; our reputation; our achievements; our talents; our education; our safety – our bank balance?
Well the apostle Paul considered these things and everything else that life and living has to offer - as worth nothing, by comparison with the surpassing value, joy, wonder, worth and glory of knowing Christ Jesus.
Paul lost or lacked all these things and more besides, for the infinite excellency of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord. In Paul's estimation, knowing the Lord Jesus, in an increasingly intimate and personal way was of far greater value that all that this world could offer – and yet right up until the end of his life, Paul’s passion and greatest desire was to learn more of his Master and Lord – to KNOW Christ.
Before his conversion Paul had all that this world could offer but like Moses before him he refused to be enticed by the benefits and advantages that this life had to offer, recognising that by comparison - knowing Christ’s Jesus was of paramount importance and so for His sake Paul, like Moses - was prepared to suffer the loss of all things and to regard them as utter garbage, in order that he might gain Christ.
Let us take Paul’s example to heart and recognizing the immense worth and surpassing value, joy, wonder and glory of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord.
Heavenly Father, I pray that my desire to know You may continue to grow and expand until like Paul I am able to consider that the loss of those things that I value and hold dear in life, as rubbish to me, in order that I may gain Christ, in Whose name I plead.
Thank you for incredible humans like Sydney McLaughlin
Who live this and inspire us all to remember there is nothing in our lives worth more than knowing you.
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What an amazing woman of God!