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Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, this gift from God, I pray you are waking up to a new day remembering the truth of what Faith is...
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1
Hebrews wasn’t written merely for the purpose of correction or encouragement but also to fortify souls because they were in desperate need. It is mentioned several times throughout this book that the audience was a specific group of believers who were facing persecution for their faith.
With all going on in our world, I needed this reminder and pray it resonates with all of us.
With this solemn purpose in mind, we can look to Hebrews when life feels complicated, we feel our faith wavering and we need our souls realigned to truth.
The author wants us to hold fast to our commitment to God no matter what comes our way. Faith in Christ is the foundation for this level of commitment.
According to Hebrews 11, faith is believing that God exists, that he rewards those who seek him and that we can hope in him because his promises will always be true. After the author defines faith, they put flesh on it in ways that both the intended readers and Christians today can look to to understand how to live an authentic life of faith. This all-encompassing verse explains both what faith is and what that faith does. The heart of faith develops its own eyes, which see spiritual things coming that can’t yet be seen by the physical eye. The truth is faith is built upon trust. God wants us to trust Him in the trials of life. Even when we do not understand what is happening or cannot explain the circumstances. Even when nothing makes sense and everything seems wrong. God did not come to eliminate every storm. God came to fill each storm with His presence and power. It is easy to trust Him when the seas are calm and the skies are clear, but the true strength of our faith is measured in the midst of a raging storm. A crisis always seems to reveal what is really inside a person. What life does to us depends on what life finds in us. Faith is a deliberate choice to believe God and walk through our fear, knowing we can trust Him every step of the way.
In order to experience the power of God, we have to be willing to step out in faith, even when it seems there is no way and no solution to the problem at hand and our strength is gone. God will strengthen us as we go. He is our Way Maker and the only thing that really matters is the fact that God sends us.. At the center of every challenge is an opportunity for trust in God to work. Every problem contains a concentrated opportunity and offers the option of stepping out in faith. So we need to have a heart that longs to walk by faith, counting on God’s strength instead of our own, knowing that He orchestrates every step to illustrate His power made perfect in our weakness. So today, I pray we choose to trust the Lord instead of demanding an explanation for what is happening in our lives knowing Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Source: God's word, Holy Spirit, Daily Devo, Commentaries.
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