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Dear Precious Friends,
I absolutely love this reminder and am always so encouraged by God's truth. When we are armored up in His word, we can face anything. Paul inspires me when I need to be reminded of how to get through difficulties... Next to Jesus He really had to endure some of the toughest experiences life could bring yet His reply after all these difficulties and facing death many times was "To live is Christ, to die is gain..".. WOW.. I am humbled and in Romans Chapter 8 Paul starts that chapter by reminding us there is no condemnation for us in Christ and the freedom we have in Christ... Throughout the chapter there are so many rich reminders of truth that we all need to know each and every day!!!
Our outstanding joy, eternal hope and overcoming victory is in Christ Jesus our Lord and so when I go through a list of the most traumatic circumstances of life that may afflict us... we can remember what Paul went through... it is unbelievable what he endured ( physical, emotional and spiritual realms, and having proclaimed that nothing can separate us from Christ’s love, including tribulation and distress; famine and nakedness; peril; persecution and death,) yet He reminds us to abide in Christ and who we are in Him.. overcomers!!!
Paul emphatically declares that in every single situation that crosses our path in time and eternity, it is through Christ and in Christ that we are overwhelming conquerors & victors – because of His great love for each of us.
This rejoices my heart, comforts my soul and is a great reminder through pandemics, through health challenges, life challenges, through Rick's cancer & treatment and all our difficulties... our souls need to be reminded that we can praise God's wonderful name and remember His overflowing blessings of love, and immeasurable depths of grace towards us.

How often are we able to abide in Christ, to rest in Him and remain in Him through such difficulties? We are reminded that when faith is founded on God's truth, His sure Foundation, nothing can destroy our hope; demolish our faith; disturb our peace or disrupt our fellowship with Jesus, the lover of our soul, for when we remain in Him we are and we become those conquerers and overwhelming victors.

When we abide (obey, follow, trust) in Christ during the inevitable disasters that flood our lives, faith increases; trust is amplified; hope is expanded, and our love of Jesus reaches even greater heights. we are always conquerors through Him who loves us... ... but lets rally around the truth... WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS (OVERCOMERS) THROUGH HIM WHO LOVES US!! On our own we are helpless, but through Him who loves us so much we can't even fathom His love... and through His love we are more than overcomers!!

Life victory has nothing to do with our great strength or ability; for of ourselves we would be overwhelmed by all these things rather that being a conqueror through Christ. We must remember that we are overwhelming victors NOW – not only in the future but today, for He has promised that in ALL these things we are MORE than conquerors THROUGH Him, that LOVES us.

Let us believe His word which states that: in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

Lets go out today my friends and remember who we are and whose we are and this is what carries us to face whatever challenges us! We are not just conquerors.. we are more than conquerors ( victors, overcomers) through JESUS WHO LOVES US SO MUCH!!!

Listen to this song as a great reminder?
Have a blessed and overcome day knowing who you are and whose you are!



"Daily verse.. Knowing Jesus".

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