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Choose Him

On this TGIF Friday(Thank God I’m forgiven Friday) I love this reminder of truth. Gods word reminds us:

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Col 3:2

I am in awe of the fact that
when Jesus rose from the dead we too were raised up at the same time into a new life.. as a new creation, in Christ.

Before the creation of the world, our omnipotent God foreknew which men and women, down through the centuries, would choose to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for Salvation. And so although there was a point in time when having heard the gospel of grace we trusted Jesus as Saviour, and were born again into His new life – God foreknew that we would one day make that free-will choice.

He knew we would chose Him!

It is for this reason that we are called to keep our minds on things that are above, and not to be influenced by the things of the earth.

We are to live by trusting in Jesus and not by trusting in our own abilities. We are to find our sufficiency in Christ, knowing that in this world we will have tribulation – but Christ has overcome the world and we have a priceless inheritance—a beautiful inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade away - an inheritance that is kept in heaven , especially for us!!!

Wow when we think about this ....we can stand firm to the Temptations of the world when they get our attention.

Our lives are but a vapor... a mist...
Let’s come together and stand firm on our inheritance in heaven. When the world distracts us let’s commit to living for eternity.
Carpe eternium my friends!
Only one life will soon be past and what’s done for Christ will last.


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