As we begin a new week and reflect on the great gifts we have been given to live in the United States Of America as we celebrated this weekend and the freedoms we have and how our Forefathers founded our country on Christian principles ....
I can't help but think of our Father in heaven and how He has us here at this time for His purposes...
We need not go far to seek or find him. He is very near us; in us.
Acts 17:27-28 reminds us:
"His purpose in all of this was that the nations should seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him--though he is not far from any one of us. For in Him we live and move and exist. As one of your own poets says, We are his offspring."
The commentary for this amazing verse from acts explains it like this:
"For in him — Not in ourselves; we live, move, and have our being — This denotes his necessary, intimate, and most efficacious presence. The structure of our bodies, and the union of our souls to these exquisite pieces of material mechanism, together with the noble faculties of our minds, wherein we resemble God, and the admirable end for which this wonderful composition of soul and body is formed, afford to every man, not only an idea, but a proof of the Deity supporting and animating him: so that no words can better express, than these of the apostle do, the continual and necessary dependance of all created beings, in their existence and all their operations, on the first, the universal, and almighty Cause...
My friends, recently I have and am walking through some of the most difficult times of my life... I haven't been able to share because I'm still in the depth of dealing with such great unknowns yet what I do know is... our time here is short and if we are still here, its because He has a purpose for us. None of us knows how many days God has assigned to us on this earth. But we have today. We have God's presence and His promises. We have Him and that means we have all we need.... and we are to think "Carpe Eternium" Seize Eternity.... to think past this life, to live with eternity in mind. We have today. We don’t know about tomorrow. So this moment? This gift from God? May we open our hands and offer it back to Jesus. May we live, move, and find our life completely and totally in Him.
"Only one life twill soon be past, only whats done for Christ will last."
Now that my friends is reason to celebrate a new day, a gift that has been given... Let's use it for the purposes set before us and for our Lord who has trusted us to be here for such a time as this.