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Be Strong & Courageous

Dear Precious Friends,
I love this image and reminder. It is so easy to feel discouraged when we look at our challenges yet look at what Joshua did and the example God gives us:

As Joshua stepped into Moses’ giant-sized sandals, he faced a tremendous challenge: bringing the Israelites into the Promised Land. The responsibility was huge, and we can surmise from the Lord’s repeated commands to “be strong and courageous” that Joshua was probably not feeling up to the task (Josh. 1:6-7; Josh. 1:9).

At one time or another, we all face obstacles that seem insurmountable. In fact right now I think we are all feeling a bit this way!!!

The question is, How will we respond? Will we stay hopeless and give up... NEVER!!!! The Lord wants us to trust Him to remove our difficulties and walk in victory through Him and His strength! He will remove each challenge as we trust in Him!!!

Any obstacle that stands between us and God’s purpose is subject to His supernatural power. Most of us would readily agree that nothing is too difficult for the Lord, but fear and worry reveal our doubts. By focusing on the problem, we allow it to grow and block our view of almighty God.

Knowing the difficulty of Joshua’s assignment, the Lord assured him that he would be successful in completing the mission. God’s responsibility was to remove every hindrance that stood between the Israelites and the land He had promised to give them. Joshua’s job was to believe the Lord and carefully obey all His commands.

Obstacles are one way that our faith can grow. When we are confused and cannot see how God will work out our situation, that is when we stand firm and walk in victory of knowing the truth of what it means to GET UP and walk away from defeat. He wants to teach us His way of obedience, trust, and courage. God always keeps His promises.

Let's walk in victory today of whatever giant we are facing knowing He is with us and that is enough!!!

Who will join me today in walking in His strength and His courage for the battles that we are facing. ARMOR up my friends..

Love you!

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