We are so excited for Walk on Water Chapter 2! Stay Tuned for Updates!

Battles and Warriors

Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful day, this gift from God, we re reminded of the importance of resting in the Lord.... Let us rejuvenate so we can remember all He has done for us and how difficult this world is for so many. We have to rest in Him to hear from Him!!!!
Lets us continue reaching out and remembering those who are experiencing great challenges. Let's all take today as a day to reach out to someone in need....
Please continue to pray for our sweet Abby our 12 year old who is in the hospital still battling her gastroparesis with a lot of challenges. Please pray for her family as well. It is so hard to see our loved ones suffer. We have a friend Suzie who was in a terrible accident and is in ICU who has a very broken body. I'm dedicated this devo to her and all who are battling illness. It is so challenging and difficult to walk through these times of uncertainty and to add to this extreme illness. This is for those who've walked a long road of heartbreak, sickness, insecurity, or addiction.
How beautiful is this amazing blessing:
For those who've gone too long without seeing the sun. For those who've lost heart and hope because the battle rages on. This blessing is for you: May you rest right here, in this place, and see Jesus' provision here. May our mighty God roll up His sleeves, reach down from on high, and rescue YOU because He delights in you - He really does (Ps.18). May God break-through in this very place and breathe fresh life into your soul. May your valley of weeping be filled to the brim with pools of blessing (Ps.84:6). May Jesus lift your chin so you can look to Him and be RADIANT with no shred of shame on you (Ps.34:5). May Jesus restore your soul in a way that surprises and blesses you. And from one expectant Christ-follower to another: I DO believe and KNOW that God cares about our battle, intervenes in ways we cannot see, and will come through for us in ways that only He can. May you hang on and hang in there until then. We're in this together. #SusieLarsonBlessings
Psalm 84:5-7 (NLT) ~ What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. They will continue to grow stronger, and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem
Sending love to all who are battling and know how loved you are... We are here for you. You are not alone.
May be an image of text that says 'Forget about battle. You're here with Me now. Rest... -GOD HIS AmazingLove ove'
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