Dear Insiders,
I love this scripture and reminder from Isaiah 43:2-3 .... We are either in a storm, coming out of a storm or getting ready for a storm. What do we do when the deep waters come? God word reminds us In this world we will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world... John 16:33!!!
This passage in Isaiah tells us that we are never alone – no matter what we go through, no matter what part of the story we're up too, the scary and sad parts, the chilling and horrific parts, God never leaves our side. He’s not on the sidelines judging, and He’s not at the end waiting for us to finish – He is with us everywhere we go. He wants to share His story of faith, hope and love with us to the point where our narratives mingle, and you can’t tell where one story starts and the other one ends.
No matter where the story of your life is up to, God is with you – even through deep waters, rivers of difficulty and fiery oppressions… He will not leave you.
Jesus, the greatest sufferer that ever lived was rejected, mocked, lied and spat upon, falsely accused, denied, whipped and eventually crucified and it appeared that God was no where to be found. But guess what, God was there with Christ before the foundation of the world, from the conception to Bethlehem, to Jerusalem, to Calvary, to the ascension and now with Him sitting at His right hand in heaven.
Whatever situation you may have arisen to this morning or went to bed with last night, God sends you words of comfort on today. He is declaring to you that " you belong to Him and that He is with you.” Fear not!
Regardless of the test, God is with you! You are the apple of His eyes!
Have a blessed Saturday and please share your experiences of the deep waters He carried you through!! Let us know if you are in a storm and need prayer! We are doing life together!!