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Wonderful Wednesday From California

Dear Insiders,
It's Wonderful Wednesday and I'm in California with the Brighton company and 50 other retailers. Jerry Kohl the owner of Brighton is one of the most generous people I know. He flew us all out to inspire us to share with each other and hear from top speakers to help the small retailers.

God is revealing so much to me on this trip. I have been blessed to be with other sisters in Christ who are yoked the same and we all agree that our businesses are mission fields to glorify Him and do His work. Proverbs 16:9 reminds us:

A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.

God knows exactly where His plans are going to take us. Even though we may think we have ours carefully planned out and thought through, His plans may look very different from ours. God knows our purpose. God knows our needs. What we need may be different from what we want. And that can be a hard pill to swallow sometimes.

We can plan all we want, but God will establish our steps. No matter how hard we plan, no matter if we think we have every detail figured out, we will still end up where God wants us.

So where does that leave us? What can we do?

We can now let go of that worry and trust Him, knowing we are not alone in this journey. We can now let go of that pressure, and we can focus on being present where He has us, knowing it is exactly where we need to be. We can now let go and fully embrace His plans for us, even when it means being patient for those plans.

But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands.
Psalm 31:14-15a (NIV)

God holds it all together. When we feel things are uncertain for us, God’s purpose remains certain. His plans will not be derailed. His plans will not be affected by anything.

His list for our days is perfect. He may be adding to our list; He may be taking things off our list; He may be rearranging our list. But no matter what, we can trust His plan is perfect. It’s His will, not mine.

I pray that at the top of our list today no matter what we are walking through, is to spend time with Him, be in His word, be still, glorify Him, share Him, love like Him and reflect HIm in all we are and in all we do.

Have a beautiful day walking in His love for all to see, receive and be blessed by!


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