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Dear Precious Friends,
As we embrace this new day and cherish the gift it is, I pray we are seeking God first, spending time with Him upon waking & filling our hearts with His word. We all have a vacuum inside of us that only He can fill. Looking at the ways in which we spend our time is one of the best ways to assess our heart. Only one life twill soon be past, only whats done for Christ will last.
The times we are in require us to discern and hear from our Lord. We are to be aware of God's purpose for us for such a time as this. We are to discern these times and know we are here for such a time as this. We can't give out what we don't have... The only way we get filled and respond on a Godly level to what is happening in our world today is to spend time with our Father, Taking in His word, Filling our Soul with His truth, listening and praying.
It is so evident, if we spend all our time working for and thinking about the things of the world, we can know that we have not yet realized God’s purposes for us. If we spend the majority of our time simply getting through our days trying to find happiness rather than seeking the face of our heavenly Father that we might receive sustaining, unending joy, we can know that we have yet to surrender our lives fully to Him.
The great thing about the time God gives us in each new day, is that it is completely ours to do with what we will. We can, right now, decide to make the best use of our time according to the purposes of God as revealed to us through Scripture. We can, right now, decide to stop wasting precious minutes on that which is fleeting and temporal and instead invest our days in the lasting, eternal, and fruitful purposes of our heavenly Father.
Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” God longs to teach us how to use our days wisely. He longs to give us a heart of wisdom that we might center our lives around meeting with him. We have God himself dwelling within us through the power of the Holy Spirit... He is ready to guide us into a lifestyle of purposeful living. May we choose today to open our hearts and minds to Him and live according to His purpose and will.
May we find peace, joy, and purpose in the ways in which we invest our time today and may He reveal Himself to us through the best investment we can make, spending time in things of eternal significance.
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