We are so excited for Walk on Water Chapter 2! Stay Tuned for Updates!

Today's To do List

Dear Precious Friends,
It's Thankful THursday and we are grateful for a new day.

Here's a great and awesome to do list to start our day.
Let's all unite in prayer and ask the Lord to heal our land, however, as we walk through these waters let us seek Him first as we wait patiently, having faith, praying, thinking of others and giving thanks for who He is, what He has done and for healing us of this virus.
His word is truth... we are so blessed to have the BIBLE ( Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) Instructions for every single detail of every single thing that happens in our lives!!! Answers.. what a gift we have in His word...

Sending love to all of you!!!
Please pray this prayer:

ABBA Father,

We praise You for a new day... for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and Your alive and active Word, continually sewing our heart together to mirror Your Son, Jesus. We are sinners and cry out for your forgiveness. For putting idols about you... entertainment, others, power, money, success, worldly things... Patience isn’t easy, but it also isn’t ours to create in ourselves. Thank You for working in us what we do not have the ability to otherwise. When injustice smacks into our reality, it’s hard to let You make the first move. When the people in our lives press our aggravation, it’s difficult to submit to the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We want to take control and strive for solutions. Forgive us for allowing our temperaments to speak first.

Father, You love us perfectly, and promise to defend us. You hear us and are concerned about us. Help us to trust You with our current situation with the and waging war of Corona Virus. Daily, remind us to sit with You and soak in the powerful wisdom available to us in Your Word. Help us to remember Psalm 56 when we are afraid. Periods of waiting often lead us to fear, and fear can chip away at our trust and faith. Yet, “what can mere mortals do to us?” We can go through nothing that You do not have the ability to pull us through!

Help us to understand the gravity and weight of the words, “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.” (Psalm 56:3) May the Holy Spirit move through us and remove our fear in testing moments of trial, and usher in a renewed faith and trust, just as the reminder of Your Word. For, “In God, whose Word I praise …I will not be afraid.” Your Word has power when faithfully proclaimed over our situations and fears.

Bless our hearts to be established in Christ, for “the coming of the Lord is at hand.” (James 5:8) May we ever be reminded of His sacrifice for us, and the love for us that drove Him there. That same love promises never to leave us, and to provide the patient endurance we need to stand up under trials of patience. None of them will last forever, but eternity with our Savior will. Let us live this day with purpose for you. Heal our world of this virus and may we all draw closer to you and reprioritize. You have gotten our attention and we love you so much. May our time staying home draw us closer to you and may we use this time to build our families and our love for you. May we reach out to all who don't know you and impact this world for eternity with you.

Praise You, Father!

In Jesus’ Name,


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