Dear Precious Friends,
On this TGIFF (Thank God I’m Forgiven Friday), we are thanking our Lord for a new day realizing the gift He has given us in Jesus name. The only reason we are alive is because He still has work for us to do!
My friends, there is so much FEAR being thrown at us!
We know what FEAR stands for!
False Evidence Appearing Real

We walk by FAITH

Forsaking ALL, I Trust Him

Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. I’ve been in contact with many of you this past week and you are facing some of the toughest days of your life right now!
There is so much we are all facing that could throw us into Fear, however, our Lord left us with absolute truth and His instructions to completely remind us!
Jesus said over and over in His trials...
“It is Written”, this is how He dealt with satans temptations! He stood firm.
He recited truth to satan
And caused him to Flee!

It’s hard enough to deal with COVID, The variant, the illegal immigrants, the political scape, and then many of us are facing illness, cancer, lost loved ones, hatred between opinions, school system difficulties and opinions...
So what are we to do???
Let’s go to where IT IS WRITTEN in Gods word that reminds us the Fear Not is in the Bible 366 times!
Why is that?
One for each day plus an extra for leap year!!
My friends...
stop and hear this!
Matthew 10:29-31
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don?t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
(NIV Bible)
Jesus says that His Father has taken the time to count each one of the hairs on our head! While we may be pre-occupied by the color of our hair or how many are falling out on a daily basis, Father focuses in on each strand. What incredible attention to detail!
It is amazing to think that such insignificance in our eyes seems so important to God. God is so big that He scoops the oceans in the palm of His hand, and yet He is so small that He can number each hair on our head. Even the falling of an insignificant sparrow requires His attention. Jesus encourages us that if our Father is intimately involved in the falling of one sparrow, how much more is He involved in our everyday lives!
We don’t have to be afraid, for our Father is watching over us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He really, really loves us and is involved in the smallest details of our lives. If there are days that you feel alone, when you think that no one is really attending to your needs, remember this scripture passage.
He has taken the time to count each hair on your head, not because He is bored or has nothing else to do, but to simply demonstrate your great worth in His sight. His call to you is not to be afraid. He is in control of all that goes on in your life and since He cares for the sparrows, He will certainly care for you.
Father, We know You are in control of the world even when we feel that our life is out of control. Help us to trust in Your incredible ability to care for each detail of our life. Thank You for taking the time to count all the hairs on our head! We know You love us, and believe that our worth to You is of greater value than many sparrows. We pray that the reality of this truth will seep deeper into our hearts today and when fear comes knocking on our door, we turn to faith...
In the name of your beloved Son, Jesus, I pray, Amen.