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Reminder of Truth

Dear Precious Friends,
What a strong reminder of truth. I want to share this with you as it has meant alot to me... Fear is one of Satan's most popular weapons that he uses against us. The most common lie that Satan uses to instill fear into us is that God is far away or absent from our presence.
Have you ever felt that way before? If you have, welcome to the club. We've all felt at some point that God is distant or even ignorant. But nothing could be farther from the truth. God promises in His Word over and over again that He is always with us. Not only that, He has proven time and time both in the Bible and even in our lives today that He is there.
The presence of bad times is usually the greatest persuasion of God's absence, but remember that various times in Bible times, God was there even in the midst of war, famine, flood, and even storms. God is with us always and promises to never leave us nor forsake us.
The best way to always remind ourselves of this is to remind ourselves of what God's Word promises us when it comes to Him always being present in our lives.
Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."“
Yes, even in the silence and solitude, I AM there. Even when there is no expectation, I AM there. Even when there are no words, I AM. Sometimes there are no words. There is nothing to say, so just be. When you run out of words, just be. It’s OK. I AM there with you. I AM watching you. I have MY eye upon you. I see you. I see your heart. In your solitude, you are not alone. I AM the warmth in the sunlight that shines upon your face. I AM the cool in the breeze that blows across the lake. I AM the very Solitude that you came seeking. Do not be uncomfortable with the silence as it is the essence of Who I AM. Hear ME speaking to you within the silence. Embrace this silence and you will know ME. I already know you, MY child; MY creation. For you are precious to ME and I love you. I know what I AM doing. I know where you are and I know where I AM taking you. Do not be afraid, even if you do not see what I AM doing.”
This is encouraging dear friends and something we can find great comfort in . Be encouraged fellow sojourners; our Father is always present, regardless of our feelings.
Source: God's Word, Holy Spirit, Desert Streams
May be an image of one or more people, people standing and body of water
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