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Pray, Wait and Trust

Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, this gift from God we embrace this gift and thank God for giving us a new day. We are still here because He has work for us to do. As we begin our day with the Lord and turn to Him, His word, His truth for wisdom and guidance, we remember we must be rooted and have a strong foundation. We know we are either in a storm, coming out of a storm or getting ready for a storm. As we weather the storms of life and especially the big storm looming over our world right now, Let's turn to
JEREMIAH 17:7-8 as a great reminder to PRAY. WAIT. TRUST.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
We see in verse eight that the one who trusts God during hard times is “planted.” He is deeply rooted, stable and fruitful, always green with fresh life. When things in his life get dry and troublesome, we will turn to our Lord immediately and we will not be afraid.
We immediately say, “Jesus, I give up looking to any person to bring me out of this trial. I turn to You alone! You are my only keeper; my only hope and I look to You to keep me strong and bring me through in victory, my trust is in you and you alone.”
The Lord desires this kind of faith from us in our everyday lives. You may say, As we look at the world and what is happening we may say... Yikes.. it is very hard to stand firm Yet we must believe what we read in God’s Word: “Trust Me and you will be blessed.”
You may answer, “But I don’t know what I’m going to do. The storm is raging and it looks totally hopeless. I don’t see any sign of help or deliverance.” And to all this God still says, “Trust Me, My child, and you will be blessed.”
Our trial may be with our family, our health, our business, or our provision. But if we continue to put our total trust in His Word and His faithfulness, God promises to bless us. He cannot lie!
When the heat comes, we will not be bothered. When the wind blows, we will stand strong. Why? Because we have learned to trust Him despite all our circumstances. We will be a green tree bearing the abundant fruit of confidence, and everyone around us will be given hope and encouragement as they observe our quiet trust.
This came as a great encouragement to me today. We are all facing trials right now that the Lord has shown us over that aren’t humanly solvable. So much is out of our hands completely and we must trust Him for entirely. There is nothing that I or anyone else can do that will make it go away . . . besides Him. The prayer David wrote above cuts right to our hearts because this it the truth we must remember to be encouraged. There are things that only He can change. Our challenge is to pray, wait and trust.
Who will join me? "Trust me and you will be blessed. " PRAY. WAIT. TRUST.
May be an image of sky, twilight and text that says 'PRAY WAIT TRUST'
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