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Peace of God

Dear Precious Friends,

I love the fact that God's word has every answer to every single thing we face on this earth. B.I.B.L.E. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
“From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety.” Psalm 61:2 (NLT)
Have you ever felt stressed. Inadequate. Overwhelmed???

Thankfully, God wants us to run when we’re feeling overwhelmed. But instead of running away from what overwhelms us... He wants us to run to Him. To run to His Word which settles us and shelters us.

Sometimes we can’t change all those things in our lives that feel bigger than we can handle. But, whatever feels bigger than us is still nothing compared to the Rock that is higher than us!

When I feel flat-out overwhelmed, under-qualified and out-of-sorts, I'm learning to run to God and His word instead of things that instantly make me feel better like..... chocolate... or calling dear friends (which is important! we do need to go to God first!)
I find listening to His word through music helps me sing out loud and focus on the truth of His word through worship.

When I run to God’s Word, even just one verse, I find that God is my “refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1, NIV). When I run to Him, I find that my refuge isn’t an escape from my stress. God is my refuge. I’m reminded once again that my strength doesn’t come from me and my stamina or drive. My strength comes from the Lord.

He is the rock that is higher than I am. When I run to His Word, I discover that His law is “my delight” and it protects me and keeps me from totally freaking out or giving up or falling apart. (Psalm 119:92) He really is the Rock that is stronger and higher than anything you and I face.

When we feel the need to run away run, we need that reminder to run into the strong arms of Jesus. He is our strength. He is our Rock. He is our refuge.

And, when we find ourselves sheltered in the truth of His Word and in the sanctuary of His presence, all the stress that overwhelms you and felt bigger than us suddenly shrinks down to the pebble size it really is!

God’s Word gives us the perspective we need. God’s presence gives us the peace we need and God's truth is ALL WE NEED because He is our EVERYTHING.
Lord Jesus,
You've given us a new day. We praise you and thank you for this gift. When our hearts are overwhelmed, overwhelm us with Your peace that passes all understanding. Lead us to you, our rock. Guide us to your Word which gives us refuge and strength. Help us NOT to run to lesser things... Draw us to run to YOU first!. Help us stay in the habit of taking our overwhelm and placing it under your will. We thank you Lord.

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