We are so excited for Walk on Water Chapter 2! Stay Tuned for Updates!


Dear Precious Friends,

It's TGIFF (Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday) and the more I interact with friends & family, the more I see we all have a huge mountain in front of us. It may be cancer, layoff, addiction, children with addiction, divorce, prodigal kids, our own illness, aging parents, bipolar issues.... YOU NAME IT... and throw on top of that an election year, protests, COVID and all we are facing that goes with that... WELL MY FRIENDS.. these are all mountains and its time we armor up and remember the power we have to move these mountains...
If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” – Matthew 17:20
Jesus said the problems in our lives are like “mountains” that you can speak to in faith and move out of your way. He didn’t say it would take extraordinary faith to do this.
Even “faith as a mustard seed” can move away your mountains, and “nothing will be impossible for you.”

Let this sink in for a moment. You don’t have to remain victimized by your problems. You can go on the offensive and speak to them in faith by the authority you have as a child of God.
But I’m also intrigued that Jesus compares faith to a “seed.” A Seed is something you Sow in faith, trusting that there will be a future Harvest. The Seed may be your money, your prayers, your time, or some other investment, but it’s a key to moving your mountain.
But what should we do when your mountain refuses to move right away? You need to enter into God’s presence and ask for His instructions…His battle strategy. As you enter His presence and put your eyes on Him, your faith gets stronger and He shows you where to Sow your mustard Seed of faith.
Psalm 97:5 tells us that our mountains can melt away in the presence of the Lord. In His awesome presence, sickness is healed…depression is lifted…addictions are overcome…poverty is defeated…and broken relationships are restored.
Whether we realize it or not, every one of us is crying out for more of God’s presence. Something inside us yearns to know Him, to experience intimacy with Him, and to offer the only thing we truly have to give Him…our worship.

When we wait before the Lord in hope-filled expectation and anticipation, remember that as much as we want to be with Him, He wants to be with you & I even more. So we shouldn't just rush into our quiet times with the Lord as though He’s an item to be checked off our “to-do list” after 15 minutes. We must listen, be silent before Him, yearning for more than a quick devotional reading, a verse or two of Scripture, and a hurried prayer.
I know it’s not easy to wait on the Lord when we are facing painful circumstances. We’re tempted to grow impatient with Him, upset that He’s making us wait for His comforting presence and strength. But often that’s what it takes before the breakthrough comes—waiting before God in worshipful, hope-filled expectation.
Never underestimate the power of time spent in God’s presence. In a single moment, He can heal us, intervene in our circumstances, or fill our heart with peace. Long-time problems can melt away in the presence of the Lord.

My friends, in God’s presence, the enemy’s works will vanish: sin…sickness…doubt…worry…guilt…fear…depression…loneliness… heartache…all of these disappear when confronted with God’s power and love. Let's faithfully spend time in His presence, worship Him throughout the day through time in nature, His amazing worship music that sings His praises with and His word.. and lets see our troubles vanish, and our mountain moved!!

Can I have an AMEN and who will join me !!!

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