I absolutely love this reminder and feel it is so important we talk about this today! "She remembered who she was and the game changed". WOW.. Who and whose are we? If you were asked this question today, what is your answer?
For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10
WE ARE GOD'S MASTERPIECE!!!!! WOW!!! According to Merriam-Webster's online thesaurus, synonyms of masterpiece are: showpiece, blockbuster, success, gem, jewel, prize, treasure, and piece of the master. Insert any of these words into today's verse in place of masterpiece.
This leaves me breathless that God feels this way about us! He created us! He loves what He created.. The world will try to make us believe something different, but God's word is His truth and there is an enemy out there who loves for us to believe the lies he puts in our head!!! GOD'S MASTERPIECE... WE ARE GOD'S MASTERPIECE!! He created us ANEW and he has great things He wants us to do!!!
Doesn't it just take your breath away to know that there is Someone that feels this way about you?
God loves what He created, so shouldn't we too? I struggle not to get down on myself. Often I focus on what I do wrong more than what I do right. I look in the mirror, compare myself to someone else and I just feel blah. That's right, blah. I wonder, "What's special about me?"
It is very hard for me to believe that I am God's masterpiece. Do you have thoughts like these? If so, stop right there! Don't let those lies penetrate any deeper. That's not what our Creator thinks.
When I listen to the Truth, which is His Word, not my thoughts, then I hear Him telling me to see what He sees, His beautiful creation, His treasure, His masterpiece!
The sooner we see ourselves for who we really are, the sooner we can take our reign as His priceless prince or princess with a purpose - His masterpiece. "You were created in My image and you are indeed a piece of the Master."
He saved us for a purpose and He has such great plans for us. He created us in our mothers wombs... His work is wonderful (Psalm 139)
He gives us ALL we need for a life of Godliness... Our potter shaped us... He is working in ways we can't even imagine. When someone asks you today who you are... remember you are His Masterpiece created in Him to do great things...
SO my friends... I want to know who reads this... If you are here, answer WHO ARE YOU???
The game will change when we walk in this truth!!
What is our job description? Let me know you are here by writing it below!
Have a blessed and grateful day knowing these truths and living them!!!