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Dear Precious Friends,
On this TGIFF (Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday) I pray you are waking up knowing God has given us a new day because He still has work for us to do. We each have a God Given purpose and I pray that no matter what you are walking through you are seeking Him first. David reminds us in Psalm 5 of how important it is to start our day in prayer. He was under attach and knew to seek the Lord and what I love most about the first 3 verses of Psalm 5 is that He cried out to the Lord first thing and says "each morning I bring my requests to you and WAIT EXPECTANTLY!!!!
What does it mean to WAIT EXPECTANTLY??? It means we know Him, We know His word, and we know He is already answering in His timing, In His way and things are happening in the spiritual realm we may not understand .. HOWEVER... we know His word and claim it as we trust in Him.
I am so blessed to be around a wonderful group of ladies I work with who are overcomer's and love the Lord... There are so many things many of them are walking through that no one would know about because they stand firm in their faith and we lift each other up. They have joy coming in and leaving those problems at the door, and reflecting God's love by pouring into each customer and into each other and when they leave they feel lifted up knowing they were doing kingdom work and feel great blessing.
Have you had moments when you wonder if you should give up because waiting on a miracle you need feels like the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? My heart hurts so deeply for you and it's because of what I've walked through... From the worst year of my life in 2018 in January losing my Mother in law, and 2 weeks later my Mom intubated and in ICU for 18 days with pneumonia and ended up in heaven when we never saw this coming, to my sweet dog Reese's just one month later being mauled by a bear in our garage protecting Rick and then 2 weeks later not making it, to my Dad in and out of the hospital after the above.... and his Parkinson's progressing after losing my Mom of 60 years...only to join her that October when we were planning His birthday celebration and unexpectedly he had bacterial pneumonia that led to a heart attack that led to intubation and his arrival in heaven just 4 days later.... to my husband being diagnosed with advanced cancer out of nowhere in the middle of covid, having radical surgery and issues in and out of hospital, radiation and continued treatment that has adverse side effect... yet the miracles and blessings that happened throughout all you are reading above have strengthened my faith beyond anything I can write.
Only God can do this! I want to encourage you!! Yes I have had to walk through some deep valleys and dark days, yet seeking God has pulled me out of the slippery slope of staying there and it is a gift to love so much that you grieve so much... WOW...
I can truly tell you the only way I am standing is through the grace of God.
I will only share with You what I know to be His truth.
And the truth is that God loves you and wants what is best for your eternal future. He hears every prayer and He loves you more than you can imagine. I am certain that your future is safe with Him.
cry out to Him.
fall at His feet.
touch the hem of His robes.
thank Him for all He has done in the past.
trust Him and follow where He leads.
Give it all to Jesus and surrender Your need and all that you are to God’s timing, love, and perfect will because that’s where miracles happen.
Here are some scriptures and prayers that are strong to pray over whatever your need is....
O God, Your ways are holy.
Is there any god as mighty as You?
You are the God of great wonders!
You demonstrate Your awesome power among the nations. Psalm 77:13–14
Father, Help me remember today that You are who You say You are. You are holy, mighty, and powerful. You are my Creator, Redeemer, and Comforter. You are gracious, merciful, and loving. You are my way and the truth I need. You are my hope for the future.
You are the God of miracles, the One for whom nothing is impossible. And Father, I need a miracle and so I lay my problem before You asking for Your grace and mercy. Please strengthen me today and help me keep my focus on You rather than on this things that is overwhelming me.
The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him you will have life by the power of His name.
John 20:30–31
Father, Thank you for those You inspired to keep a record of all the works of Your hand from the beginning of time. Thank you for the people who documented Jesus’ life and ministry.
Your Word helps me know You. It inspires me and gives me hope. It is the weapon I need to fight the attacks of the enemy. Your Word is Truth! And I believe! I believe Jesus is Your Son and my Savior. I believe that through Him I have life and that is the miracle I needed the most. Thank you, Father.
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”
Matthew 19:26
Father, I believe in Your hands the impossible becomes possible. I admit that sometimes this problem seems impossible. It’s hard to imagine a good outcome. I know the way I want it to go but at moments I have my doubts that the outcome I hope for will happen. But then I remember all the good things You have done for me in the past. I remember miracles that were born in hopes and prayers. So, I surrender this need to You asking You to once again make the impossible possible.
“Abba, Father,” He cried out, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want Your will to be done, not mine.”
Mark 14:36
Father, This is hard! It’s hard to say, “Your will be done.” It’s hard to ask and then let it go in faith. It’s hard to surrender my will when the possible pain seems like more than I can bear.
Help me remember that although You didn’t take away Jesus’ cup of suffering You gave His all He needed to endure. And You did it for me. You strengthened Him and gave me life.
Help me remember that You see the big picture of my life and every life. You hold it all in the palm of Your hand. You sometimes allow what is painful because You know how it can affect the future.
So, help me trust You today and say, “I want Your will to be done, not mine.”
When you need a miracle and you can't find the words you want to pray, the Bible offers verses to pray and give it all to God in faith.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
His faithful love endures forever.
Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord?
Who can ever praise Him enough?
Psalm 106:1–2
Father, Thank you! You are good! You are love! You are worthy of all my praise!
You are the God of miracles … too many to count! Today, I’m asking for You to bless me with one more miracle. I believe You are able. Please strengthen me and give me everything I need so whatever You decide, even if you don’t grant this miracle, I will rest secure knowing my hope is in You alone.
Father, I trust Your will. I am secure in Your perfect love and I will praise You now and forever and even then … it will never be enough.
In Jesus name, I pray.
May be an image of text that says 'Praying for you today knowing that GOD will provide for every need, in every way. Amen. PALM231'
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