Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, this magnificent Monday and most special of weeks, Holy Week, I wanted to share this image as we walk through each day reflecting on what Jesus did for us on the cross. The enemy thought it was over. God was just counting to three! We are now in the final countdown. Jesus is coming back as the Lion of Judah! Let's Keep our lamps filled with oil, be ready!
In the meantime, while we walk through these days that seem so uncertain, may God give us a faith that cannot be shaken. Jesus who knew no sin, became sin so that we can become the righteousness of God. When all is in chaos, we need divine clarity to see where God is taking us. We can have peace that passes all understanding as we stand firm in His word. Through Him, we know peace that passes understanding and we can pass it on to others. Though Him we possess all we need. We won't surrender to our circumstances, we will surrender to God in our circumstances. Jesus is alive in us! We are set free. Even though we have our days and moments, we are not slave to sin or fear anymore. Stand strong friends. Remember this image. Death could not hold Him. The Resurrection has the last say! God is who He says He is...
What Jesus did on the cross He did for us. The power of the resurrection is available to you and me! May we surrender to God in whatever circumstances we are in. He is with us in the valley and on the mountain top. Every trial is achieving for us an incredible opportunity to trust Him and turn to Him immediately. "
Look at the image below!
Death cold not hold Him!
But God raised Him up again. "God raised Him from the dead, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power." Jesus was sinless and death is the consequence of sin... Jesus did not deserve death. But He died for US. He died OUR death on that Cross.
Acts 2:24 reminds us .
What a staggering truth fell on the ears of those who were listening. They had waited for centuries for their Kinsman-Redeemer, but crucified Him when He came! BUT GOD RAISED HIM UP AGAIN. God raised Him from the dead and His resurrection put an end to the agony of death.
Jesus became the Firstfruit from the dead. - the first MAN to rise to life-immortal. And because His death has paid the price for man's sin - ALL who believe on His name for the forgiveness of sin, will also be raised from the dead. HALLELUJAH! "God raised Him from the dead... putting an end to the agony of death."
My friends, He did it all for us!
When I think of what He did on the cross for us, I have no words, just incredible gratitude and overwhelming love.
Max Lucado sums it up in his book "He Chose The Nails".
"The diadem of pain which sliced your gently face,
three spikes piercing flesh and wood to hold you in your place.
The need for blood I understand. Your sacrifice I embrace.
But the bitter sponge, the cutting spear, the spit upon your face? Did it have to be a cross?
Did not a kinder death exist than six hours hanging between life and death, all spurred by a betrayer's kiss?
Oh Father," you pose,
Heart-stilled at what could be, I'm sorry to ask, but I long to know, did you do this for me?
Per chance you will hear Him whisper: I did it ALL for you...