Dear Precious Friends,
We are watching before our eyes this Holy Week many amazing things happening!!! I have been praying and taking in so many amazing messages and words of truth and have to share the following with you!!!
First, I want to say that we are praying for all of those on the front line, for protection, strength, and peace. We are praying tor healing for anyone sick with covid-19. In the name of Jesus. 🙏🏼
Please Please have your children and grandchildren make notes of encouragement and send to my home address or drop off in front of Walk on Water in Lake Mary in basket out front. We are taking some things to the area hospital for the front line workers. Info is at the bottom of this!!
It appears the enemy is so mad right now... do you agree??.
The enemy is the prince of the air waves, as it states in Ephesians 2:2. Think about that and think about the media. Most of it is spreading gloom, doom, and fear. We don’t hear much about the miracles that are happening, the people that are recovering, the helpers, people helping people. Open your Bible and read the Good News and stand on the promises of God!
We are transformed by the renewing of our minds... Be in God's word each day to armor up and fill your heart with absolute truth!!!
Back to why the enemy is mad...he is having to share those airwaves a whole lot more since God’s people are rising up to bring the Word right into our living rooms, through Facebook and other social media platforms. We have Pastors, Student leaders, worship leaders coming online daily and leading us in God's word and worship TO A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE!!!
! The airwaves are being flooded with the Word and praise and worship of our King Jesus! 🙌🏼 People are spending time on their knees more than ever before!!!
🙏🏼We ( YES YOU AND I).... the church are interceding more than ever.
✝️The lost are looking for hope and finding it in Jesus.
The prodigals are returning home.
Dry bones are coming to life. (Ezekiel 37) I said, dry bones are coming to life! This is a great awakening! 🙌🏼
I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see God show up and show off. God is bigger than COVID-19 and His timing is perfect. Hallelujah Jesus! Be magnified! Let it rain! Open the floodgates of heaven and let it rain! Pour out Holy Spirit!
Luke 21:28
When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
Call to action my friends!!!
Please Please have your children and grandchildren make notes of encouragement and send to my home address or drop off in front of Walk on Water in Lake Mary in basket out front. We are taking some things to the area hossital for the front line workers.
My address is Roxane Mann
620 Estates Pl
Longwood, Fl
It is our job to share the truth of God and Jesus Christ to all we come in contact with, using words if necessary. Sometimes it is necessary. It's our actions, our faith, how we walk in assurance and Godfidence that catches peoples attentions.
Ask your neighbor "Let me pray for you" if they ask for prayer.. not Can I pray for you..
Armor up my friends.. the work is great, the laborers are few... the HARVEST IS PLENTY!!!.
Lets do this!!!
Love you all
Have a Wonderful Wednesday knowing how loved you are..