Dear Precious Friends,
On this beautiful new day, this gift from God, we are reminded to number our days so we might gain a heart of wisdom. God has us
here for such a time as this and it appears we have our work cut out for us.
I love this quote from Charles Spurgeon:
“Plenty of promises lie before you, believer! Gather them up, make them your own, for Jesus wants you to have them." —Charles Spurgeon
Here are a few of these promises:
Did you know there are over 8,000 promises in the Bible! God tells us to remind Him of those promises and He will make them happen. I want us to look at just 12 promises that will help us in our daily walk with God.
I will share 6 of them today and 6 more tomorrow:
Let’s Take each one and pray them over ourselves and our family
1. His Presence – Matt. 28:20; Heb. 13:5; Ps 121:4
Jesus promises that He will never “leave us or forsake us” and that He will be with us always. Psalm 121 tells us that God neither “slumbers nor sleeps”. That means that He is always with us not matter where we are or what we are doing. Psalm 139:7 tells us that we can’t get away from God no matter where we go.
2. His Protection – Ps 121; Ps 27: Ps 90:1-8; 11-16; Rom 18:31
God wants to protect us from harm, evil, and those who are against us. But He also wants to protect us from ourselves. He knows more about us than anyone and therefore He can guide us better than we can ourselves. We cannot go anywhere that God cannot protect us. Now we can ignore God’s protection and He won’t force it on us. We can be stupid.
3. His Power – Col 1:11; Is. 40:29; Acts 1:8
God’s power is awesome. After all, He created everything. Do you really believe that He can do anything? Or do you think He is only interested in the big things?
4. His Provision – Ps 23; Ps 37:4-6; Matt. 6:25-34
How many of us feel like we are lacking something? That there is something missing in our lives? We so often think about providing our basic needs that we forget that He is just as concerned about our emotional and intellectual needs as well.
5. His Leading – Ps. 23; John 10:3; Is 48:17; 2 Cor 2:14;
Have you ever felt God’s leading? Do you know what that feels like? Could you explain it to someone else? How did you know it was God? God promises to lead, guide and direct us at all times, IF we will listen to Him.
6. His Purpose – Jer. 29:11; Phil 2:13-15
Have you ever asked the question, “Why am I here?” “What am I supposed to do?” Probably at some point in time, we all have or will ask that question.
God gives a very simple answer to that question.
It is to glorify Him and tell others about Him.
Wow my friends. The only thing we can count on
% is His absolute truth! In these 6 scriptures we learn truths on claiming the promise of His Presence, His Protection, His Power, His Provision, His Leading and His Purpose!

Let’s remember these today and every day!