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God is Bigger

Dear Precious Friends,
As we go about our new week, I love sharing this truth!!
Our God is bigger than any fear, any challenge, any difficulty that we face. With the uncertainty and difficulty we are walking through, it is more important than ever to immerse ourselves in God's word, His truth, HIS PROMISES... armoring up for the battle we are in...

Can you think of anything that we shouldn’t be praying to God about if it concerns us? Certainly we shouldn’t be praying for things outside of the will of God, but if we know it’s God’s will, then nothing is too small or too big for God because He’s in the big and small things of our life and, in fact, all things (Zech 4:10).

If we think something’s too small for God to be interested? Did you know that “not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it” (Matt 10:29)? “Are you not much more valuable than they” (Matt 6:26)? God feels your pain if your beloved pet dies, if your car won’t start, if you have a toothache, or in just about anything else you can imagine. Think about this: God notices even a tiny sparrow that falls to the ground. So what makes you think He won’t be interested in everything in your life, even if it seems small to you?

If we think something is too hard for God,
God has declared through Jeremiah, “Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you” (Jer 32:17). The fact is, no problem is too big and no detail too small for God to not notice or care. We might look at our situation in life and think, “Wow, this is too much for me to handle,” and Jesus would say, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27). When Israel faced an unconquerable force by overwhelming numbers, listen to what Elisha said about God: “This is an easy thing in the eyes of the LORD; he will also deliver Moab into your hands” (2 Kings 3:18). Amen? To God, big is small.

Our power comes from the Lord... And doing All Things through Christ.
We can do nothing of ourselves. This is a fact that Jesus established during His earthly ministry, but through Christ we can do all things, at least within the will of God, that is (Phil 4:13). Since God didn’t even spare His own Son for us, what’s preventing Him from giving us all things (Rom 8:32)! For God, big things are nothing. When we look through the eyes of faith and see an invisible God Who is pleased to help us in the small and big things in life, there is no problem is too big and no detail too small for a big God.

It’s almost always a matter of trust when the “bigs” and the “littles” come against us in life, but if you are a parent or grandparent, is anything too small of a detail to address or not important with your own children or grandchildren if it’s important to them? To the child it might look like the Titanic, but to you it probably looks manageable. Then how much more so with God who knows every single tear we cry and holds it in a bottle, He knows every hair on our head... He loves us so much.

Lets call out all the blessings we have as children of God and move mountains through our faith in Him. No matter what we are facing today, He is our mountain mover faithful God...
Let's walk in this truth!!!!!!


Song of reflection: https://youtu.be/BCbKYrA0QGM

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